Nature In Fall

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"Oh look White Oxalis or Xalia it can also be a yellow blossom and the leaves of the flower bush are always purple color and clover leaf shaped." Alderra said. "This is the first floor every fairy at Alfea learns to grow on their own. It's hard to get it to understand borders that's why some people called an Imp Flower Bush. It has to be pruned."

"So what bush type is this Compact, Cushion or Mold?" asked Desertrose.

"It looks Compact to me," said Solette. "Since the stalks are so close to each other."

Asherra grabbed Solette's hand back and warned the other girls, "Careful ladies this plant has a toxicity to it called Oxalic acid."

"I know what you mean by that," says Alderra. "This plant's contents of Oxalic acid if high amounts are ingested it could do serve damage to our guts and kidneys. And cause lowered calcium intake. Calcium Oxalates can cause kidney stones strong enough to make abrasions."

"Look out for novelty jewelry too." says Solette. "It contains mercury glass, ladies. And the substance is Metallic Mercury which can get into the air around you if you break it somehow."

"Oh, wow." said Desertrose. She ignored the purple shamrock bushed clumped around the roots of the Red Maple tree who was in full lush red display. She touched and informs. "This tree is strong. I guarantee it must be a hundred and fifty years old. And it's still brimming with life on the edge of the forest here."

"Hey look girls fawn tracks

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"Hey look girls fawn tracks." said Solette. "There might a deer or moose beds nearby."

"How would you know that?" asked Asherra.

"Well the tracks don't lie, and this doesn't lie either." sighs Desertrose, she bent down and picked up a chewed seed. "The Samara was chewed out and those are deer teeth marks. There was a young deer and his or her mouth here sometime perhaps at dawn this morning."

"What are you doing?" asked Solette. "I don't understand Desertrose."

"I'm collecting some maple seeds I'll used them to flavor a muffin recipe that I know even Anne will like. These guys are edible and actually still ripe." said Desertrose. "Come on help me gather them."

We did. Then we all followed the warn down path through the woods. Chrysanthemums were decorating part pf the path of the under brush of the forest of Magix realm.

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