A Killer

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Sitting on my bed quilted in blue the wing open and the sunlight kissing my face, something has changed inside my bones, a fire I want to quench yet I can't do it, for the fire is my last remaining stronghold, I must be tough for my parents the royals of Dyamond and my realm's people. I'm a Princess, I am Princess Icy of Dyamond, I can't show that I'm cold and yet I must trap my emotions inside my bitter magic.

There is a string telling me to let go,
And yet the snow has bound me so deep
I cannot break my own ice shield.
Is this what it means to have your actions come back to you?
The fact that I a royal alone am a Killer?
I still have her wing piece on my left arm, I put it on a bracelet chain I wear everyday since I killed her. Yet its presence calls to me glowing beckoning me to stop and not listen to the darkness.
How can one have so much sympathy for one they have always hated all of a sudden?
Isn't it wrong yo forgive a Murderer?
She forgave me for what my mind pushed me to do.
The universe made Sapphire pay the price for that!
I hate you you stupid Magic Universe! I hate you Magic Dimension!
You made me pave the way for my sister to be transformed to a Arctic Fox Cub!"

"One should not say such things!" Bellowed a chilly voice. "Without the universe you wouldn't exist Icy be more careful what you wish to curse!"

"I don't care!" Icy mumbled. "Get out of my head, you silly light side."

"Icy, I'm you. Your sweeter side you will never truly get rid of me."

"Then as long as you aren't severed my sisters will always get harmed because of me."

"Try as much as you might no one can separate the good or light sides of the body. Or you could actually touch me right and now. Put the dagger down Icy. Don't hurt yourself! You are not worthless your sisters are not worthless!" Her heart spoke out to her.

"Listen to the Conscience of your Heart, Icy." Crystalice responds. "You can still over power your wicked deeds by trusting Solette and her fairy friends to help Darcy heal. You need to open up even though it hurts; you cannot carry the burden of your fight alone. Nobody can. You need to make allies not push them away."

Icy had just scraped her skin with the dagger as her Realm Dragon appeared beside her and she let the dagger clatter to the floor. He seemed to smile at her.

"You can see the Light in me, Crystalice?"

"I can see the light in all peoples as well as trace amounts of the darkness tinting away, Princess Icy, it is my special ability as a Sublevel Great Dragon and because I'm your Dragon it is also your ability too." He roared gently and rewarmed the plate of pigs in a blanket upon the plate stormy brought up. Icy picked up a second one if she hadn't of frozen them they would never have kept here on Magix Realm.

Icy's Pov
"Eugh! I guess I should call Solette back," sighs I pick up my phone. "246 853."

"Hello, Solette here." The Solarian fairy responded.

"Hey, Solette, my friend, I'm just calling to tell you, I trust you on taking care of my sister, Darcy." said Icy. "I know you fairies can handle this. Thanks for looking after her, Lette."

"Of course, Icy, I would have called you sooner, but classes here are so time consuming its no wonder Roselight left long before she was sixteen. The curriculum is quite complicated. But Darcy will be just fine, and she has plenty of company to converse, but I do have a request when she comes back to you let her work on her potion making, her potions have been quite helpful." Solette spoke with.

"I guess I can rethink my ideas," sighs Icy. "Just not very good at apologizes."

"Get her her own potionswork shop that way she isn't in your way or messing up the house and the environment you have to sleep in. I'll be by soon, I want to check that house for anymore traces of salmonella poisoning so no one else has to arrive at the hospital. I'll see on Saturday and make sure I can have a look at the food that's been out on the counters in the last half week okay?"

"Yeah, and thanks for doing this inspection for me, I don't want anything bad to happen to our hosts Chilllight and his daughter, Roselight. I owe you so very much Lady Solette, right?!"

"Icy, don't worry about that, we're friends and friends don't give each other ultimatums. Is that Stormy's shrieking I heard?!"

"Yep, I'll be right back."

"Slowly Stormy," Roselight replied. "I told you not to spin on your legs that fast today, you weren't ready."

"Everything okay? I heard screaming while I was one the phone with Solette."

"Is that the Crystal Ice Dragon from the myth of Dyamond legend?" inquired Roselight.

"What Dragon?" asked Stormy a little shocked looking where Roselight was looking but all she saw was empty air space with the home of the host's house right now.

"Icy could you help me make some Ice compresses?" questions Roselight easily in a gentle mother like voice. "Your sister over here overstretched her hamstring tendon giving her temporal hamstring tendonitis. It causes sharp shooting pain that travels right up the thigh whenever the knees are bent Icy."

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