Solarian Equitte Guides

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"Smile Eagalia, Solarians smile no matter what is happening in their life. Now dining rules, you can see a fork and spoon sitting above your place. They're dessert utensils and the last you will using today. As for the other utensils for eating you work outside in leaving utensils on either side or your plate you're not finished with your meal, putting your knife and fork down together on the right side of the plate with the tines of the fork facing down means that you are finished. (Because Stella & Luna's names are Italian I am introducing some cultural dining etiquette into the Solaria lifestyle). Solarians do not eat bread with their hands. They cut it with the knife and fork and are encouraged to use it to wipe the plate with an food. Your fork stays in your left and your knife in your right hand this is called the European Way of Continental Way of Eating at a table, if you have salad if front of you don't cut up your lettuce fold it use your knife to put it on your fork and get it to your mouth. Avoid slurping your long pasta strings by instead using your knife to help pasta get to the fork and hold your fork against the side of dish to get the right leverage to twist pasta or noddles around your fork, and bring politely to your mouth. Keep your mouth closed during every meal after you take a bite.

Please never hide your hands, keep them visible wrists are allowed to rest on the table, elbows should be kept off the tables. Do not eat until your host or hostess has served everyone and herself before she says. "Buòn appetito!" Professor Etiquette responds. "Also before my class you are expected to get to the bathroom and not do any farting or burping in this room, is that clear ladies and gentlemen. If you're later you're late but I will not have that disgusting behavior in this classroom. Now since this is your first day, I'm giving you 20 minutes in the washrooms across the hallway now go go. And please exit in an orderly fashion this is practice for fire hazards."

I sighed so many rules. As a Princess I was expected to listen to everyone one of them. My church where I was christened did not allow bare knees so I had length some of the choices of pants I wore if I intended to ever visit again in the future.

Anne's Pov
"Unfortunately we can't prevent what poison ivy emits and the whole Northeast wing will be closed down for 5 years."

"But my stuff!" complained Spoilla.

"It's right here most of it, unfortunately your Magix realm phone exploded so that couldn't be saved." Solette spoke to the stupid girl."

The girl just glared at us.

"Be grateful you and your roommates are still alive and breathing, because of your carelessness several people could have gotten much sicker. Sauer was with her sister and her roommate and Elevate was helping them escort the girls and load them to a Magix Ambulance.

"Princesa Spoilla," This was a Spanish word, Griselda spoke. "Your parents aren't gonna be happy when they learnt just how responsible you are for a wreckless endangerment of your roommates and their neighbors."

Spoilla groans she didn't like being lectured.

"I guess it does pay to get up and go to class on time." said Torrance. "My room was right next to all that havoc."

"Yep, lucky we weren't it." Timber replied, "at least at this point in time, Torrence. Those Magixwinx Girls sure are very brave."

"Griselda, we actually have a request." spoke up Solette. "About Elevate, my roommates and I would love if she'd transform to our dorm."

"Yes, we have discussed it with Alderra and it'd be the perfect opportunity to showcase the face that nature and tech fairies can live harmoniously together with very few issues. And maybe we can send this is to convince the Callisto realm to let Nature fairies back in and it would absolutely be all for the better?" I told our Head of Discipline.

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