The Super Cruel Icy

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Be aware the ending to this chapter gets a bit graphic but that it is emphasis Icy's heightening change of character. If you are not comfortable with the scene near the end of the chapter please skip over it and wait for next chapter, These scenes will return consistently and will happen around her sisters. And it will make Darcy and Stormy uneasy around their older sister. Just thought I'd give a fair warning to those who don't like graphic scenes.

Darcy shook and woke up, Aquarose squeezed her hand, and said. "Relax, child. Darcy, you're still at Alfea Academy in the infirmary. You're safe, it was just a bad dream."

"But it-tt fel-t so re-al," stammered Darcy so nervous.

Flashback Pov
In the Dark Purple Room of the home surrounded by fake snow, Icy opened the door. "I know you're in here, jealous little sister, the nerve you had to trick me, Darcy! We're sisters, you promised Mom we'd never hurt each other."

"I was sick and tired of being under Icy's shadow. I want to be cool, she is always treating me like a second fiddle, Kalissa."

"Stupid witch, think you will be number 1 you're dumber than your sisters, Darc. Bye bye you can explain this mess to the Headmaster all on your own."

"I told you not to do it, Darcy," Stormy spoke. "A wound up Icy isn't funny at all. This is what happens when you side with people who will neither believe in you nor trust you, Kalissa and Ikla are both bullies as much as they're fairies."

Icy threw Darcy against the wall, and hollered. "I can't believe it betrayed and hurt by my own triplet sister!"

"Icy! Stop!" Roselight stepped in front of them. "Darcy was just slightly more immature and childish than usual. But don't be the bully Kalissa and Ikla want you to turn into. They preyed on her drive of passion and power and gaining her moment in the spotlight. Roselight saved my life that day protecting me from Icy. Stormy did the ironic thing instead of keeping the chaos to herself and Roselight she reported the bullying to the headmaster as well as Ikla's behavior of attempted murder er towards Sapphire their youngest sister.

"There is so much against woman isn't there, Aquarose?" questioned Darcy.

"Yep, there is too much against women," agreed Aquarose. "But this year a bunch of that is gonna change. Even Lynphea has its issues."

In the Magix Forests, Alcuin pulled Aisha behind him.

"Don't say a word but head up in that tree with the pixies." He says he heard rustling in the trees. Aisha however didn't climb up the tree.

"I don't care what or who it is whether you're in armor or not but I'm not letting you fight this alone." said Aisha. "What's out there?"

"Slave traffickers. They consider ladies quite a Prize."

"You've got to be joking right now?" inquired Aisha.

"I'm not." said Alcuin. "They're deadly and annoying from Emberrose worse than the very fairy magic of any fire fairy known to all Magical Realms."

"I see our reputation proceeds us Bounty Hunter."

"You run rampant on all the Magic Realms of the Magic Dimension but soon your Slave Empire will be completely vanquished and you dare to call me a Bounty Hunter while you tear innocents from the family and homes you are no better than my Father thousands of those girls you enslave and torture everyday could be fairies to make the Magic Dimension a much safer place, at least I get paid to bring awareness to the more foolhardy and bring the insane members in charge of this organization to justice as long as I'm not forced to kill them, but sometimes that can't always be helped." Alcuin hollered.

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