The Unknown Brother

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Aisha was distracted by her singing and her mental thoughts trying to keep her mind off the coming darkness of the night when all of the sudden she stumbled nearly off the edge of a precipe but an armored gloved hand and pulled back to safety.

"You're lucky I saw you, Princess Aisha down in Lake Roccaluce gorge it would take forever for an ordinary Specialist or Fairy to find you if you fell."

"If you're not an ordinary, Specialist than what are you and what do you do on Magix...wait you're the MW bounty hunter hero. My Dad hired you to find out what the reason is behind all the stormy weather on Andros is half our palace balcony was swallowed and sank into the ocean? Why is the ocean angry?"

"I think you already know the answer Princess, it's right in front of you. Especially your song you were singing reveals it too."

Aisha was alarmed, and asked. "So you're stalking me in these woods?" gasped Aisha her arms crisscrossed each as they went to her chest, and she glared him down.

"I never said I was stalking you, but most likely concerned about you wandering about. You're new to Magix aren't you, Princess?"

She raised her eyes he said Princess so sweetly and he was white too. What was her father's problem with white people it clearly didn't stem from her grandfathers they were both black? She just couldn't understand it. The difference between the islanders and the Mainlanders was so big a gap to her.

"I wasn't born on Andros, Aisha, and I didn't live there either I'm from Melody." says M.W. hero.

"I don't get why Father is so against white folk in his kingdom especially on the islands but if they're not there he's okay with them. Why do Kings think so backwardsly, MW, sir?"

He laughed. "Ever think it might had to do with the way your Grandfathers grew up and how they were treated."

"But Dad's Father was a King how could one be so ill to a King?" inquired Aisha annoyed. Under his silver visor Alcuin smiled a bit he hadn't smiled in a long while. His sapphire blue jewels of his round eyes scanned her gorgeous feminine physique.

"If there a 50-50 percent chance a King can be manipulated there's an 85% chance for a King to get bullied by even his subjects. There's no place in the world where you will not ever meet a bully, unfortunately. It is just not possible to avoid being bullied some people learnt it from their parents, others learnt their bad behaviors from the people they observed and others still do it because they are insecure and uncomfortable with change themselves."

"Then if bullies are everywhere, what makes them stop being a bully, and how can they learn to stop and more importantly what is their why for no longer being bullies?" questions Aisha.

"The Most Known Cures a Fear and Visual aid where someone helps a bully see what they're acting like quite easily, or hear exactly what they acting like, Princess. Glad to see you have some company in these mystery forests, Aisha." Alcuin  spoke to her. "Bullies exist even on this realm unfortunately. It is so sad to watch them mistreat others."

Aisha gasped as a young white man about 10 years old was sore and tired and weeping also his eyes reddened from the inside to their edges from the crying.

"Young man, are you okay?" questions Aisha. She sat down on the log behind him. And a black servant girl also sat down beside him. Aisha was surprised as the two immediately asked. "Need a couple of hugs?!"

He just nodded and they did embrace him. Alcuin was smiling. "Lake Roccaluce the place that radiates comfort. Ma'am I've located your nephew." He spoke into the ear com. Shavonn quickly appeared by the Mystery Warrior.

There's No JoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora