Solette's Apartment

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The apartment was neatly organized bookbags and suitcases hung on different sides of the doors into the five rooms of the in the so called apartment.

The view into the courtyard of Alfea from the balcony was just perfectly sweet, and this room being a corner room
perfect for loud slumber parties at least once a month. That's right Solette's room is the same one Eagalia and the Winx end up stepping into. But maybe the numbers gave it away.

(Hint of a flash forward: "No, Mom. Everything's fine and it's great! I'm sharing an apartment with Eagalia and three other girls.")

"Oh, hi." says a girl with dark red pig tails that reached past her waist. She wore a bandana like a neck choke and it was bright harvest pumpkin shell orang she had red bangs that would reach just past her ears. For her top was a semi sleeved t-shirt of a dark tealish turquoise color. on her wrists she wore a pearl bracelet of dark purple on her left arm and on her right in the photo screen were two arm bangle bracelets also of a dark purple color

Between the bracelets was a turquoise belt matching her shirt around an orange skirt with yellow pockets.

And below her very bare legs were orange ankle boots.

"Welcome, I'm Asherra I'm the niece of Professor Palladium here, you new?" She asked. "Oh and watch out for Alderra's plants. Don't step on that root in front of you. It's not easy being roomies with nature fairies. They say 90% of time between all of the fairy types here the Nature realm fairies get the baddest treatment from their dormmates."

(Asherra above in civilian clothes)"That's because we're the ones bothering to study

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(Asherra above in civilian clothes)
"That's because we're the ones bothering to study." said Alderra. "And it wouldn't be this bad if Eldora hadn't vanished off the face of the Magic Dimension, she left me behind in Faragonda's care and I'm here daughter."

Alderra civilian from below

Alderra civilian from below

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"Nice hairdo. Who are you again?" inquired Alderra.

"My name is Solette from the city of Solarium outside of the Solaria Palace grounds." says Solette, "And thanks for the compliment about the hair."

"Anne up above" (Yes, Aisha's friend)"I'm not in the wrong Apartment am I it is 3006 right? I'm Anne

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"Anne up above" (Yes, Aisha's friend)
"I'm not in the wrong Apartment am I it is 3006 right? I'm Anne."

"Hey, I heard about you didn't some King kick you and your entire family off of Andros."

"Yeah, I would rather prefer not to talk about that." sighs Anne blowing the air around her. "I don't look like I used to and that's because of my former king now. I changed my hair and my clothes and we live in a different realm, my brother is going to Red Fountain this year. Who are you guys?"

"I'm Asherra, and that's Alderra, and this is Solette."

"Solette, you're my roommate," said Anne. "I guess it's to keep the dorm from smoking some fairies transform during nightmares and steam up the bed and the blankets covering them and they don't notice it."

"I have a room to myself because Fairy of Toxic Nature." Alderra replies. "I'm from Lynphea though my Mother is not. I live with my Aunt Yulerose."

"Mother for me dwells in Elvira the land and preciously sacred home of the elves where Palladium and his sister Mercy was born. I however live on Magix in Magix City. They say when your 16 as part elf race you can no longer ask your parents to make decisions for you." Asherra replies. "I'm still waiting for my roommate."

"Hey, I'm guessing your my dormmates, this is room 3006

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"Hey, I'm guessing your my dormmates, this is room 3006. I'm Desertrosa.(picture up above) I'm from a desert realm. I'm not used to dressing for cold weather."

"What do you live on a tropical island of some sort?" asked Alderra.

"Yes, I do." says Desertrosa.

"Desertrosa, you're Asherra's roommate." informs Solette.


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