Terrible News

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Varanda's Pov

Flashback to the earlier evening night before, Eagalia and I had left the Elemental Zoo Reserve. Eagalia was still tracking who left the glass Sunflower seed behind.

"Eagalia, I don't like the look of this place." I remarked. "This is giving too much of a Dark Festival Vibe. This forest is too creepy and horrific."

"Oh come on you aren't afraid of a little shadows and darkness are you?" asked Eagalia. "You're a friend of praying mantises and everyone says they're horrific and creepy yet you don't."

"That's true. But I would still be cautious and wary Dark Forests are not the best forests to wander into." I was still aware of the Sundragon's warning back at the Spring of Light. I could only believe that it would have something to do with my brother and maybe he had found a girlfriend after all this time now.

"Look there is light up ahead and the seed is pointing me too it. Come on Var." Eagalia urges me on as she flew up and over the hill.

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"Eurgh! Eagalia! Wait, we need to be stealthy about this spying

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"Eurgh! Eagalia! Wait, we need to be stealthy about this spying." I commented. "I said stop right now."

"I would listen to your Princess Friend or don't."

"Lady Merwyn why am I not surprised?" I questioned.

"The old grand kingdoms are crumbling little v." said the woman black hair rolling down beyound the outline of her waist. Her eyes went full black. "Mercury won't let you get in his betrothed's way. Boys arrest these girls!" Her white skin's shimmering increased as her guards drew their weapons willing to fight.

But before they could grab the girls.

"Starlight of Solaria protect us!" Eagalia called out. A huge burst of silver rays appear from Eagalia's hands and a starlight dome appeared in front of them.

"That's not gonna last long blondie!"

"We will see about that you ain't seen the power of A Callistoan Princess. I summon all the Wild Praying Mantises of Solaria to my aid." Varanda tauntings back. A rousing noise echoed through the dark woods.

"Get them now, Merril and Merwin. Merla will not be pleased if they report this to the King of Solaria." Merwyn ordered her men.

"Nice one Var!" Eagalia said highfiving her best friend, me, Varanda. "The swarm will continue to pester them."

Eagalia lifted the starlight dome and the two fairies countinued on but I still couldn't shake the warning the Solar Starlight Dragon gave me. It was a voice of wisdom too big and great to ignore it as very light information.

"Hello sister meddling with me?" demanded Mercury.

"You're flooding the waters with mercury that's terrible thing, brother!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe my brunette haired brother would do such a thing to me and our family's royal friends. "You really are as mad as a hatter!"

"What does that mean, Varanda?"

"In our world breathing in mercury was something out our hatmakers did made them go crazy thus inventing the phrase "Mad as a Hatter" Princess Eagalia!" says Mercury. "But that's because they lived next to a volcano and bothered to burn glass as well."

"When my father found out how dangerous mercury was he banned it from being used on the machines the animatronics we and are citizens used in Callisto the death toll was incredibly high right then and there." I explained, "You broke Callisto's number one 1 rule brother and for that you will get exiled."

"I would but unfortunately Father can't stop me, Varanda."

"What did you do?" asked Eagalia. "Where is the King of Callisto, Mercury?!"

"He's on his deathbed right now." answered Mercury. "And I'm surprised you haven't felt any pain surge through you, little sis."

"Varanda, we have to go and make sure your Father's okay!" stated Eagalia.

"We're not about to let you leave and ruin my plans, Princesses. Is that right my dear love?"

"Merla of course it is! I am tired of being treated as third best!" Mercury yells. "Now it's time to break this union."

"Mantis blade!" Varanda conjures. "Not happening! You will not harm Solaria or the rest of the Magic Dimension as long as I say so, dear brother!"

"Too bad you don't have a choice about that Princessa." Merla respond. "Nice fairy form though! Shimmering Rising Surf Wall!"

"She's a witch, Varanda and possibly a major one too." says Eagalia.

"You seriously think we're that stupid we can fly you idiots!"

"Of course I didn't inside that wave was weigh down rock spell go ahead try and fly girls. You're not going anywhere!" Merla replies.

Eagalia tried to move her wings she couldn't.

"She's right, Varanada I can't move!" said Eagalia.

"Merwyn why don't you take them to your private quarters and link them to each other so they don't run away off into the wilderness."

"Merill and Merwyn you heard them tie them up with those magic restricting chains." Merla replies. The soldiers were quite thorough about it. They chained both Princesses with their hands behind their backs. And hooked their legs together. They were taken to Merla's cabin and forced to sit on the floor. And another chain was put onto one of the bed feet and the keyholes were invisible to the naked eye.

"I'm really sorry, Eagalia." I apologized.

"This isn't your fault, it's your stupid brother's fault." says Eagalia. "And mine I should have been more stealthy as you had advised me. I'm sorry."

The door slammed shut in their faces and the door was clicked.

"Well, Problem 2 is all settled with those Princesses out of the way no one is getting in the way of our malicious comquest."

"Um, I don't mean to rain on your parade mercury, but Ambrosia just sent to you Anmatronic gram video message. And it's not good news."

"Play it any way!" demanded Mercury. He immediately turned away slamming the door in his comrades faces.

On Callisto a dark magenta pink haired girl with a single red strand of hair on the right side of her face and pink red double colored eye pupils looked at the King of Callisto on his feet.

"Thank you, Mirta it seems for a seven year old witch you are an expert with healing potionology." said King Callisto.

"I have a feeling your son will kill one of you." remarks Lucy, Mirta's older sister.

"We both do. And we fear the Queen of Callisto is the very next target." Mirta agrees with her sister quite immediately. "We know she's vulnerable since she just gave birth."

"I sent Azure away to live with a private family, and Mirta and Lucy I would like you to be my extra palace security from now on. You've proven you can handle the job."

"We're glad to accept the job." Lucy answered. "And thank you, Majesties!"

They curtsies to the King and Queen of Callisto.


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