Premiere Anniversary

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"Roxy have you seen the Lion King yet that came out last year on November 24, 1994 (this is accurate IMDB has that information)

"Wow! I can't believe it's that close to the First Anniversary for the Italy Premiere." says Roxy. "Things happen so quickly. But how do you guys have so much stuff on discs and can you play them all?"

"Yes, it's quite possible with a Region Free DVD player." said Vanessa. "Mike and I were lent ours by my British parents they don't watch movies anyways?"

"Why?" inquires Roxy.

"Mike and Vanessa's parents grew up during the World Wars," sighs Bloom. "Their parents were on opposing sides of the arguments. And every reunion it can get so heated. Vanessa is all strict believe me even when I visit he makes me stay in the kitchen and cook and I know I shouldn't blame my grandfather my Gramma's told me multiple times don't offend him because he does have PTSD. He's seen that good old damage wars can do you. You're lucky you didn't have to fight during those times, Father."

Mike came home and took off his jacket.

"What was the fire Mr. Peters? I hope it wasn't another four alarmer was it, sir?" inquires Selina.

"Unfortunately it was Selina and I think it was arsenal crime."

"Again that's like the tenth time in this year alone?" gasped Bloom devastated by this news.

"Oh there's more it was like the scene of a hate crime, honey broken crosses everywhere and red wrappers for them were covered in the accelerant. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Catholic hate crime against people who are only willing to listen to partial parts of Catholicness like us."

"It's a shame people can't be so much more tolerant than they are. My favorite verse is the one that goes like this "'I am God that brings heaven down to Earth. I am Love.'"

"There's no reason to be so judgy or stodgy around everyone else. I can tell Bloom likes being Catholic Christian but she has her own statements that are golden truths."

"I do respect some of my English Protestant heritage from Grandparents in the country of England and I have little problem with it except I find it lacks the loving well lifestyle. I however though will not be told what service to go to nor do I think it's a good idea to introduce to your kids wine at communion when they are eight. That's too young for me. And the third reason is I won't pray to the dead like the Virgin Mary that's just a psycho's brain at work. If someone had asked me to join them cleaning their parents or relatives graves I would do that in fact some people make that a festival and I would do it because it's showing honor and respect to those already gone from us." says Bloom. "And I also wouldn't dare ask people to give me money just because they sinned those things are absolutely abhorrent."

"In this house we don't take communion unless it's on a special holiday or the First Sunday of the Month or the Last Thursday or Friday of the Month and we only attend Cathedral Choir Worship services, girls."

"AC-Choo!" Mike sneezed.

"Oopsie! Surprise Daddy! Selina got me a bunny today isn't he the cutest?" She asked hugging Kiko tightly to her chest after he came from being buried in her hair.

"That's wonderful dear just keep him from out from my nose."

"Have you taken your allergy pill yet?"

"I can't take another before another hour is up Vanessa, the allergy medicine doesn't work unless you take it at night." Mike responds.

"Don't worry Dad he's going to stay right by me won't you Kiko?" Bloom inquires the bunny. The bunny nods his head.


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