Metamorphosis Magic Training P3

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Bloom's Pov
August 23, 1995
With a host (a heart) of furious fancies
Whereof I am Commander,
With a burning spear and a horse of air,
To the wilderness I wander.
By a knight of ghosts and shadows
I summoned to a tourney
Ten leagues beyond the wide world's end:
Methinks it is no journey.
Yet will I sing, "Any food, any feeding,
Feeding, drink, or clothing;
Come dame or maid, be not afraid,
Poor Tom will injure nothing.

"I still don't see why you like this book, "The collected Tales and poems of Edgar Allen Poe, you went so much as read up on the poem quoted in this book, "Tom O'Bedlam. This was first published in 1992."

"Mom, I can't help it, Edgar is or was an orphan just like me. Only he didn't have nice foster parents," I speak up clutching the heavy book in my arms. "Besides Tom O'Bedlam has language in it from the Old English Days and the Norman traditions the people who never did slavery." I responded. "There's so much good in this book. He happens to be one of my favorite authors and it's a shame in his life he was so criticized. At least he found his real Aunt and her daughter, Virginia and got to spend time with her before she passed. I'm still wondering why I hear bugs at nighttime. And it's not a chirp or a buzz it's a whispering swarm of voices tiny voices."

"Bloom, that's your concussion talking, bugs don't talk." said Vanessa. I sighed. I knew she wouldn't believe me. I was drawn to the gloomy book, yes. Call me silly, but once you've read the foreword of this book you might just understand a little bit more.

"Tom O'Bedlam is actually before the story he wrote called, "The Unparalleled Adventure Of One Hans Pfaal, Mom." I replied. Edgar Allen Poe was born over a century ago and several decades prior to when I came here to my lovely foster family. He was born in the year of 1809 in Boston Massachussets, son of traveling actors. His father abandoned the family shortly after his birth, and his mother died when he was two. Separated from his brother and sister Poe was given into the foster care of Mr. Allan, a Virginia tobacco farmer. He later attended the University of Virginia became a distinguished student, but fell into the trap of gambling his money away. Following such ordeals he had quarrels with his adoptive father time and time again till he finally left hom, tried a military career enrolling a school called West Point. His first volume of poetry was called "Tamerlane and Other Poems" released in 1827. 1833 won a 50 dollar prize for his work of "Ms. Found In A Bottle." He is one of two people who married their cousins quite younger than most of you present modern days would presume. Yes, Poe married his cousin who was only 13 named Virginia in 1836. There is no record of her rejecting the marriage at such a young age and cousins were commonly married those days such as one example the John Adams Family one child from each side of the family married each other as they were in love with each other. These are the two I know of as of right now. It is in my right that if a woman doesn't object to marriage at a young age then let her be married, being forcibly put into a situation is a whole different scenario. I don't believe Poe's life would have been as steady as it was without his cousin making him her friend. They were quite close. I almost find myself drawn to wistfully thinking that some of these tales and poems maybe weren't specifically about her but enough to keep her memory alive in his heart and mind. It made such sense to me. There was always an unfathomable hidden sorrow in the undertone of his elegant words. Sadness sometimes is a sign that we're being idiots and taking for granted what we've already been given, and I believe that is a lesson Poe kept refusing to learn in his earlier years especially when it came to money, but when he met his cousin, I believe money became a secondhand priority.

Clemm is another variation of the Angolo-Saxon word Clement which in French is Clément (Clémoe) and Clement leads into Clemens (Norfolk) and there also the variation of Clementson, but there are more variations of the surname such as Clements, Clemens, and Climer. I'm guessing that famous song about Clementine is the feminine version of a last name or it could be used as a first name honestly little difference."

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