Nearly Invisible

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Previously in "There's No Joy"
Wednesday, August 23, 1995

(Mallory Malfoy picture top of the page.)

Mallory Lileva Malfoy nee Merchant Pov
Two days ago, I was adopted by my new Mother, Narcissa Malfoy at my adopted brother's behest. Yes, it was him, Draco Malfoy. The Malfoy manor is quite clean the garden is lush and beautiful. It was obvious this family didn't hate everything . My loved her garden and plants. My brother spent time with her or me admiring the grounds. He's 15. But he adores me.

"Dobby," I called out, "let me help you with that."

But before he could tell me no I picked up the plate of peppers and scrapped their seeds into the magic trash depletion unit we have at our counter. Dobby sighed. The two of us are closer than ever. He explained to me to stay away from him when around Draco's father. And I learned a lot about Hogwarts Headmaster by listening to him and his stories. During the summers he would visit me being a house elf he would be here snooping, but I don't care about that. In fact I would never tell anybody he was around. I just don't understand how people can hate a family with such a lovely garden on the outside. It doesn't take much for someone to fall in love with a rose, but it takes so much more to fall in love with leaves.

Draco and Mom have told me never leave the grounds without them or Dad by my side. I accepted it calmly. It's just in my nature to be very very obedient. Whelp, most of the time anyways. In my brothers' room were pictures of the famous Potter boy and his two friends. I had sneaked a peek into his daily journal cause sometimes I just don't get Draco's attitude at all. But I still love him forever.

Speaking of which, I was in mine and my brother's shared room we had a twin bed moved up and he doesn't mind me reading his stuff. He's never scolded me for it all whatsoever period.

Dear Daily Record,
I'm Draco Malfoy, son of Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. My Mom fusses over me consistently. She is worthy of me loving her back. My Father, however, constantly ridicules me and my skills. Even going as far to say at sometimes that I will never be more than a simple thief. It hurt every year he has said that to me for the past 8 years. This is the year 1989 and it's June 5 my 9th birthday. And in two years if my parents agree on a suitable Magic Learning school I'll be sent there when I turn 11. Mom and Dad argue every night about it and I can barely sleep. Next time you see someone looking tired but sinister in their appearance try not to judge a book by its cover. Chances maybe they're only sinister because they feel safer keeping their walls up and keeping themselves carefully guarded. Most of my life I have known peace here in the Wizarding World as I was born on the tail ending years of the Firsr Wizarding War just like two other people I could actually mention. But I'm not about blabber on about that. I did get to visit Hogwarta with my Dad in 1986 and there I met two of the best feminine students. My Dad made them babysit me. I was annoyed at first granted I knew nothing about the school houses or theme colors that went with them.

"Miss Rosewood and Miss Synde are the best students here Headmaster Dumbledore  said you were asking for the best to look after your son."

"Yes, thank you, McGongall, Lucius said. "Draco stay here with these two ladies."

"Yes, Father," I said reluctantly.

"Hey, let's go to the courtyard." Merula said.

"You better not sneak up on me again, Synde. We have an assignment."

"Little Ruby how quaint. You know we have our little rivalry."

"Oh, I know, Merula." giggles Ruby Livilla Rosewood. "And I love that we have it. Why don't we practice a bit and give the young boy some much needed eye catching capturing attention."

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