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"Good my little evil fairy, freezing him in time will make him weaker than before and it will warp his mind and conscience and all its secrets will finally be mine such as who and where his relatives might just be and exactly what their powerful abilities of magic are." said Darkar. "Moonlily is too sweet for your evil still space in time. From now on your name will be Moonmaid darling."

"Of course Master, give me my next mission, Lord Darkar I'm ready to reek some havoc."

"Hehehe, patience my little one. You will reek havoc soon enough, dark hearted fairy." Darkar laughed. "We don't want to reveal our plans too soon. Rest your energy you'll be at full strength tonight tomorrow night during the new moon over Magix where the witches will not be able to help."

"Solette let's work on your central powers over Plasma."

"Right away, of course, Professor Wizgis." Solette's shadow answered immediately. "I'm ready to learn."

"Excellent." He spoke back to her.

"Say Solarus negativeus charge activate!"

"Solarus negativeus charge activate!" Solette held a charged electron in the palm of her hands.

"Put your negatively charged electron onto the glass here and throw it at the fungus shell!"

"Electronify Glass Dagger!" Solette summons her powers again. Her Charged Electron came in contact with the glass. And the sword transmuted to a curved samurai blade itself. She tossed it at the Fungus shells and the Fungus shells cracked away the whole class clapped.

"Excellent performance using an object that is not ever Nature to stop these Monstrosities." Wizgis congratulates my performance you are much more capable than you have ever realized my dear fairy. But in order to defeat multiple without being surrounded you must find capable teammates who are always keen to watch your back.

8 more days Dilly sighed she couldn't left find out she'd be human again. Alfea stopped using magic to power the lights and technology fairies created suitable equipment to power them it made Faragonda and Griselda exhausted and they wouldn't have enough energy to fight off the coming minions Darkar might be sending. The other light fairies had to preserve their energies for later too.

A water fairy huddle was immediately called up by Professor while the other students were dismissed.

Onto Palladium's classroom. Anne saw Daphne tamper with an object and it started bleeding a black aura. It was a spider charm. Alderra had already walked out.

"Anne are you okay?" asked Torrence placing a hand on her shoulder light.

"I think Daphne's up to something its not good for Alfea or the Darkar Knight you're a Nature you can help me right?" questioned Anne.

"I'm just the Fairy of Shades."

"And neutral shades all I need right now, Torrence."

"I'm coming to the party if it wasn't for Elevate I would be stuck in bed right now." says the black haired girl. "Thanks to Carbon monoxide a Nature fairy's worst fears. It depletes our energies like a long time circuit unplugged makes us feel like we're on weak batteries." (Sound familiar?)

Meanwhile Friday, August 26, 1995 Bloom still had her Edgar Allen Poe Collective tales and note book on her lap. The Firehouse or Il Dipartimento dei Pommpieri. Pompiere meant firefighters. So it literally translated to the Department of Firefighters. Cool huh?! Let me show you the badges my Firefighter parent and his two well known co workers wear.

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