Trial On Callisto

14 2 0

Sunday, August 20, 1995

Eagalia went with Varanda and her parents and Albert came along with one of Adofo's dogs specifically Elroy.

"All supporters of witnesses please take a seat in the front row." announced the herald of the king's court.

"Eurgh! After what happened on Domino they still scare me."

"Eagalia, Lucy and Mirta are defending me." Varanda said. "They're my friends, the most true and loyal friends you could ever possibly ask for. Please don't offend them their Mother is our caretaker."

"Prince Mercury of Callisto, did you or did you not intentionally intend to poison your father, the King of Callisto?"

"I did intend to intentionally do it. I hate being beaten around the bush by parents."

It took the most strength out of the guards to keep him back. Eagalia was nervous but Varanda reassured her the Callisto guards were stronger and more prepared then they were assumed for their young age was deceitfully covering the power and experiences they went through to get to be trusted palace knights.

The King grabbed his head with his hand.

"And do you admit to abducting your little sister and her best friend the Princess Varanda and Princess Eagalia."

"I do." said Mercury. "I confess to both plots and desperately wish that they had succeeded."

Varanda turned her head away she couldn't look her brother in the eyes anymore whatsoever. She fell right onto Eagalia's shoulders. She fell while explosively crying.

"And more resources tell me that you were committed to poison the waters of the Solaria realm using mercury from the Glass Sunflower seeds and petals stolen from the Royalty of Solaria gardens to poison your father and to later get rid of your Mother and older sister?"

"Yes." He answered. Ambrosia's reaction was the same as Varanda's but she was crying on her mother's shoulder.

"Then I see no reason to debate this further. You're banished from Callisto, you will be stripped of your royal title and turned over to the Dimension of Oblivion for 2 years and if you still don't change your ways your banishment will stand for another year. Albert and the these two Callisto guards escort him to the oblivion portal gate immediately. I say this court may adjourn. This case is closed."

"Oblivion? Sounds scary, is it?" asked Eagalia.

"It is." Varanda responds.

"What is it?" inquires Eagalia.

"A cage inside a cage rips you out of reality erases your memory and shows you all that you hate repeatedly until you say you want to forget it all. Only the ones capable of destroying with not much care for anything else get sent to Oblivion that is the difference between the prison of the Omega Dimension, Obsidian Dimension and Oblivion Dimension. Oblivion is built to erase all ambitiousness, Eagalia. Valtor didn't destroy everything he wanted to rule everything, but even his own real family couldn't handle it. But he could be restricted it is said the reason he failed is because they gave him the shape of a demon and that form restrained his powers of the Dark Dragon. The Omega Dimension restricts that even more, but no one in the Omega Dimension will forget who they're. Their memory will slowly return as the brain unfreezes."

Little did Varanda know that it was exactly what happened two days ago, Valtor's brain had unfroze when he sensed that magic of the Paladdin friend of Aisha. He was awake in the ice.

Valtor's Pov
I may not be able to melt this ice with my Dragonflame but that boy can do." He said. He stretched out his mind beyond the ice. A red coloring of fog swept over Alcwin and he heard my voice.

"Come boy! Your father owes me this much! Come find me!" I commanded. I heard footsteps approaching.

"Ah! What a pretty handsome to look upon too." Valtor was able to use hypnosis from even inside the ice.

"Who are you?" mumbled the boy. "And it's freezing down here."

"Yes, because you entered the Omega Dimension, Paladdin."

There was a loud hissing sound ripping through the cave.

"I don't think I'm supposed to be down here at all and what's with the hissing?"

"Nothing." Valtor responded very blankly. "Come closer boy! I need your help!"

"Alcwin was hesitant he didn't like the way even though under hypnosis he hated the secretiveness of the Sorcerer already. He grabbed his hands and his head. There was pain from the abrupt cold temperatures and pain from the little bit of the Dark Dragon Valtor could use."

"You will not fight me off boy. You belong to me!" He replies. "Your father made a contract that can't be broken. Now set me loose!"

No!" Alcwin said stepping back refusing to spark his powers and replies. "I'd freeze to death than make the entire dimension pay for your release?"

Alcwin then fell down on the ice.

"Feel my hate let it torture you one way or another you will be mine once again in the future, Alcwin. We're forever linked thanks to your father. You will fall! You can't not fight me your body has no strength in the Omega Dimension."

"But I do!" A female ice snake hissed. "You will not succeed today! I may have had received strict orders to remind you of your place Valtor!"

She reinforces the ice with her Moonfrost breath breaking the connection between the powers.

Valtor's rage had however effected the ground ice of the Omega Dimension. The female ice snake reaches down and wrapped her long body around the Paladdin boy and tossed him to higher ground.

"Take the egg in the nest get it to Pyros!" The snake responds to Alcwin he nodded.

"No! That boy isn't leaving with me still stuck in here!" Valtor shouts. The ice snake however froze the cube again and again until Valtor's screaming couldn't be heard from that cave.

"Curse you step-brother Ogron, if you hadn't been given the smarts and brains I would have no problem beating you to a pulp." exclaims Valtor. "I know what you did you cursed my dragonflame to restrict my powers and then you made the Ancestral Witches take away from me my freedom over the attacks. I swear you will pay for this, Ogron!"


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