Solette's Training

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"Solarix, Magic Winx!" Solette called out her powers. "Fairy of Solarplasmas"

🎶Close Your eyes.
And open your heart!
Believe in yourself:
That's how it starts!
Dreams will come true just, wait, and see!
'Cause the Magic's in you
And the Magic's in me.

You are a Magical Winx Fairy!
You are a Magical Winx Fairy!
Come on join us! Fly with me!
You are a Magical Winx Fairy!
You are a Magical Winx Fairy!
You are a Magical Winx Fairy!
Come on join us! Fly with me!
Let's spread the Fairy powers through the clouds!
We'll walk you through, talk you through
Fly you through anything you need to do, I will always be there for you!🎶

A silver tiara crowned her half brown half blonde hair and a dark violete sparkia short sleeved shirt covered most of her chest a green belt came around her waist in triangular shape a yellow clear sparkly arm sash appeared on her right right shoulder.
A sparkly ripply yellow skirt melt her green belt. One her right hand she wore a translucent yellow fingerless glove.
Below that emerged dark violet sparkly long pants and dark blue wedged ankle boots.

Her inner lower wings were a silvery blue and the outside edges were a dark blue
and the upper wings were the same and they came off her elongated at the start and stopped at a trapezoidish squarish point. Her picture up above.

Daphne's Pov

"Nymphix, Enchantix!" Daphne summons her powers up

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"Nymphix, Enchantix!" Daphne summons her powers up.


Magical powder,
Maximum power.
Powers upon me!
Powerful, magical
Wonderful, dimension
Powerful Enchantix!
Incredible vision,
Incredible power of Nymphix,

"Daphne Nymph of the Elements!" Daphne announces as her blonde pale hair stretched slightly over her face her dress grew more ruffly it was a mix of tree green and brown and the skirt was mostly tree brown. She had blue foot sandals on attached by winding straps and her multi colored Enchantix wings emerged sharply in a squarish shape right from her back.

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