The Callisto Council

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"Lady Amabel?" Ambrosia spoke as she sat down. "You're dismissed check in on my little Azure and give her milk bottle if she's hungry again."

The Heraldess nodded and left the room.

"Anselm what is it?" asked Ambrosia.

"It is been brought to my attention due to the Mercury shower." says Lord Anselm. "It's my belief that Mercury has escaped his Oblivion imprisonment."

"But that's impossible he wouldn't remember what he was doing Oblivion was built to make the people forget their most recent memories of life are barred. He would have no memory of his life here."

"That might have been true once upon Callisto but no one has known Mercury's strength of his fighting spirit,  Lord August."

"The Baron, Timmothy Sr. has a point, August." Lady Casta agreed with Timmy's father.

"She is quite right, nobody's been as strong as Mercury in years on Callisto." Lady Velocity responded.

"Except for your daughters, Lady Velocity they were the only reason he got caught in the first place." Idalia states. "Lucy's 8 isn't she and Mirta's 7 right?"

"Yes, but that doesn't matter, they're going to get prepped for public schools soon." said Velocity. "However if Mercury did escape why hasn't he attacked again."

"If I maybe so bold to suggest a radical idea and remind you Oblivion was based on Obsidian only to reverse what the Obsidian dimension did to them should they've escapee what if someone entered Obsidian with him and the chances are mostly like he is dead. And probably most likely destroyed by the Ancestress witches."

"Captain Alaric, my father does present a good answer, counselors." Tina Meena responds.

"That's true." Princess Ambrosia agreed. 

"Where is your young sister Varanda?" Sigridia.

"I don't know, Lady Sig." Ambrosia replied.

"She must stay in the palace it's too dangerous with the mercury in the air."

"Yes, but Lady Sig, there is no way to stop the mercury unless we remove the ban on Nature fairies stepping onto the realm."

"We can't, Norella," says Idalia.

"Keeping anyone in a cage in their prime youth is a big mistake." Tina agrued. "My Father, Alaric learned that the hard way right, Dad?"

"My daughter tells an important truth and yes. The more we limit the young capable princess the most exsplosive she will get besides she is trying to get done all of Mercury's unfinished royal duties while the King and Queen her Father and Mother are out of comisson & bedridden." Alaric restated his daughter's statement.

"I know this is not place to speak." Mirta stepped up saying the following. "But Varanda and I are quite close. I could accompany her to protect her. She might feel better with a body guard her age. And not so much palace guards."

"Things may happen around you, and things may happen to you, but the only things which really count are the things tthat happen in you." Ambrosia spoke. "Lady Mirta is a good choice to be my sister's body guard. All in favor say, "Aye!"

The quote Ambrosia speaks is by the name of a man, Eric Butterworth, (Spiritual Ecnomics it could be a magazine or a book I don't know yet

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The quote Ambrosia speaks is by the name of a man, Eric Butterworth, (Spiritual Ecnomics it could be a magazine or a book I don't know yet.) the point of the quote is "Claim your greatness!" And this is what Mirta's doing by stepping up and suggesting herself as a personal escort to Princessa Varanda of Callisto.

"Lady Elevate of Callisto realm, Headmistress Faragonda wants you to report to her office straight away." Griselda came up to them. The Callistoean fairy frowned.

In Faragonda's office we see the brunette sadly in front of Faragonda's desk.

"I have received notice that Palladium and Wizgis still see you're not participating in any class work. I'm highly disappointed in you, and no doubt your home realm would say you're a disgrace. You were brought here to step away from being lazy, and to focus on something other than your pride. This is your third year in first year if you don't start learning I'm afraid I'll have to expel you. This behavior is unrealistic and ridiculous. A High Magic Headmaster once as a Professor once told me. "'It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, Elevate.'" I can't waste an entire other year without improvement from you, young lady. So begin participating or you can walk out the gate. A fairy never gets anything great done by taking the lazy easy way out."

"I'm sorry, Faragonda." answered Elevate. "It's difficult though. I'm still very quite homesick."

"I'd believe that if you had tears in your eyes." Griselda scolded. "But you don't, young lady. Our rules stand."


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