Is it Salmonella?

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"Solette, how is Darcy handling this?" Anne immediately asked her roomie.

"Well there seems to be a clear indication she's suffering a fear, she's sweating, but she's also chilled and shaking, plus she had muscle aches all down her legs, and is quite irritable. That emotion is understandable nobody loves getting as sick as she is. But please I beg of you dormmates don't tell anyone else she's a Princess. The Dyamondian royal family has always had a fear of too much attention brought upon them." Solette admitted to her teammates. They nodded and acknowledged her request. With their trustworthy gaze, she knew they'd keep the secret even Elevate wouldn't know yet.  Darcy lay in bed of the infirmary wing as Nurse Ofelia handed her a glass of water.

"You're very dehydrated, Miss Darcy." says Ofelia concerned. "I'm worried this is the worst fever I've ever seen you haven't even managed to keep straight eye contact with me much at all. I know it's gonna get worse before it gets better honey. A fever isn't enough to diagnose it as salmonella poisoning. If you vomit or seem mentally out of it let me know with this buzzer."

Darcy nodded and with her hand she clutched the buzzer tightly she thought of calling Stormy and Icy but they'd make her panic more even if they knew. Besides Icy hated her anyways. And to be honest she was afraid of Icy. Her sister scared her even though Icy never did intentionally. Darcy's skin began to itch. Darcy groans at the bandaid where Ofelia had noticed a rat scratched her right arm it was doing a bit of bleeding.

"Nurse Ofelia a gauze bandage would be better, I'm allergic to the adhesive upon most bandaids." Darcy informed. The nurse was utterly shocked, and surprised. She grabbed a bowl saucer of lukewarm water and let it trickle over the bandaid. Then she gently removed it as Darcy slightly flinched at her skin's serious stress. Nurse Ofelia threw away the used bandaid and wrapped gauze around her upper right arm as Darcy took a small sip of water from her glass with her left hand.

"That better, Darcy?" inquired Ofelia.

"Yes, thank you so much, Nurse Ofelia."

"Please dearie, call me Ofelia." She informed her new patient.

"Ofelia, may I use the restroom?" asked Darcy. Her bottom was rapidly up even though she had barely pulled the covers up around her. And it was sending something similar to the feel of a fire kick up sense. Nurse Ofelia nodded and gestured over to the right door before her corner office on the left far back of the infirmary hallway. Darcy stood up getting up off the bed but as soon as she did the whole room seemed to flip upside down in her head. A buzzing went off in her ears. Ofelia heard the loud noise, and asked who the hell let a fly get in here?!"

"Please don't," says Darcy immediately. "Leave the fly alone!" she could see the Zenith magic radiating off it, because Zenith people were good at making powerful illusions with technology. Her voice was as sincere as could be. Ofelia removed her hand from the fly swatter. The Fairyfly buzzed again boy was that a close one. Nurse Ofelia looked to see Darcy stumble weakly to her desk still all shaky, and shivering. Nurse Ofelia at once ran to support the girl one her way to the restroom, Darcy and the fairy fly were in the room together. She buzzed again.

"I can hear you talking, you said I have Vertigo how?" asked Darcy.

"You have magic just like some Magicians have on Zenith Illusion magic is incredibly rare Darcy, I'm Dilly, Nymph of Zenith. Illusion magic is the most difficult to control which is why the Illusioners go to Red Fountain to train they're the ones who enhance the weapons and weaponary at Red Fountain the Spectral Dragon is the Dragon with the Greatest Illusionary powers ever. He's called to you from that school. I can sense that energy pulsing towards you."

A grouse smell came from the toilet Darcy was on.

"That smells like."

"Don't say it," said Darcy as she knew it was Diarrhea before looking to check. She wiped her bum clean but instead of flushing the toile hands after getting off the object and rezipping her pants, she kneeled down and vomitted a bunch of food that had been given to her and sisters freely for being a volunteer there. Diarrhea and vomitting up food. There was no denying she had it. She had gotten salmonella poison from the bite of the rat that had scarred her arm its teeth marks were deeper than it looked. The bacteria from whatever flies had been on that rotting mess of fruit she had found him chomping on had gotten into her bloodstream. She sighed glad Icy couldn't make fun of her in such a weak state of being. She flushed the toilet. She washed her hands at the sink and spoke to Dilly. "Daphne's not okay, Dilly. Her darkness has emerged and she's after you." Dilly understood why she was getting a negative aura from Daphne recently even as a bug. And she knew Darcy could know because she was a witch of Shadows, Darkness and its secrets. She could see everyone's dark side and nobody knew it except for Dilly now.

She could see what was happening between Icy and Darcy.

Darcy was shoved up against the wall of the home yesterday, and Icy harshly yelled at her too. "I told you not to do that, this isn't the right time for pranking. But you're just like Stormy! I have the most dumbest, clumsiest sisters ever!"

"I thought the café customers seemed to like the extra entertainment today."

"For the fifth time we're volunteers not employees what if the Supervisor or manager sees this crazy mess of yours?" Icy facepalmed herself. She groaned. "Ugh, I'm surrounded by idiots!"
That line hurt the very most. That hurt more than getting your back backed up against a wall.

"You have Bigsissophobia (I couldn't find a name but if you're afraid of your big sister feel free to use my madd up name for the phobia) don't you, Icy isn't very nice to you?" questioned Dilly. It was nice to be able to actually talk to someone physically with similar powers to her.

"No, she isn't actually quite abusive." mumbled Darcy. "She calls me an idiot and a liar because I have the smarts she wished she had, Dilly. She's annoyingly petrifying as her own ice powers...I'm frozen."

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