The Point of Volunteering P5

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Princess Eagalia above civilian clothes first day at school.

How close do you think I got? 50% close?

How close do you think I got? 50% close?

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This is the original attire. Pretty close right with a cherry on top.

The school was amazing mostly creamy walls and white ceilings doors were made of oak wood from the Sunoaks. The gymnasium and auditorium were inside and opposite each other as soon as you came in. The Headmaster walked like a catwalk model. I was in a daze.

We passed several classrooms and Headmaster Solars said, "This is the cafeteria and bathroom and students lounge here in case you didn't realize you had a holiday beforehand this is one of the areas you will be allowed to be in without adult supervision as well that Sunbathe Garden outside the sliding glass doors."

"This school is to introduce you to everything we know exists on Solarian realm and that includes kick starting each and every one of the fairies and warriors skills here. We believe in early preparation means better defense for our kingdom and its peoples and creatures. Have a look around. The dorms are just up the boys to the lefty girls to the right. I will see you kids at 13:30 at Auditorium for the orientation session. That gives you enough time to me your roommates, grab a snack and see your dorms. Do try to be punctual."

"I heard from the Red Fountain Specialists say he almost always says the same thing as Alfea's headmistress Faragonda on orientation day, is that true?"

"Depends on who you ask, Robby," laughs Darrow.

"No it doesn't," says Kimberly. "It's quite true isn't that right, Eagalia your highness?"

"Yes, it's true and it's not that much of a surprise considering they're brother and sister." Eagalia answered. My stomach grumbled. "In fact they were almost twins."

"What's awesome sound?" inquires Eagalia. She walked away new kids were listening to a couple students strumming a guitar and singing the lullaby she heard but she didn't know that this was the original song.

"Solaria, O Solaria realm our home sweet as honey ever golden sun will forever return to shine.
We praise you from which the light of our lives does endlessly rush.
It's a silence that weeps can be heard like no other world.
Named for a Royal Pauper girl
Standing so bright
Skin shimmering in sunlight
She came in the days of the First Darkness of Solaria times.
She was called a Princess of the Sun born out of the Spring of Light
Raining down a punishment on a dark king.
Lady Solaria every guardian fairy of Solaria steps before the Spring of Light to ask for a boon of Light,
But you will not answer nor show yourself lest the fairy's heart is true.
Lady Solaria you hold the heart of the Sunlight inside of you.
You stood strong and proud in front of a horrific king.

"How can a maiden as powerful as you need a hapless youth to rescue you?" asked the boy quoting the king's lines of the song. " I need to know if the story is real."

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