Darkness And Coldness

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Solette's tears kept coming. Darcy sat on the log beside her as soon as she touched Solette's right shoulder it shook and it was the coldest Darcy had ever known it to be before.

"Lette, what's the matter?" asked Darcy.

"You're not gonna like this, Darcy; it's about my brother, your lover boy." said Solette with a sigh. "I fell like the sunlight of my heart just stopped transmitting. I can't even sense him anymore. I don't know what happened I heard Diletta's song float through the woods it freed him from the Pied Piper's hypnosis and because Dakar's dark magic was so powerful he can only be so much of a human. I think they had a scuffle and Darkar grabbed him and pulled him through the gate but not before he smashed a shadow scepter, Darcy. All I see is darkness nothing else. I don't know what happened with Loon.

Darkar laughed, "Do you feel weak pretty sun brother of that little cute sun fairy sister of yours? Even wielders of the elements must take a break from their powers. You entered the Dark Dimension with me brave but foolish soon the only you will be is a ravaging animal that you were cursed to be and if your friends don't hurry up and get you out before a certain time you'll stay a coyote forever, Loon."

"That's fine with me I'd be a coyote than you make me imprison all my friends. Are you sure you can handle the Dragonflame my sister had you could barely handle my magic which is the same stinking source, Lord Doorkar."

"Why do people keep calling me thar?" asked Darkar yelling very loudly angry at the nickname. "I like that I have some entertainment because of you now. This won't be as boring as it was last time. The darkness here latched onto you like a magnet and it will never let you cross the gate ever again."

Loon sat there in the cold darkness hands chained and big large boulders of the stakes he sat on black sand and black clouds danced in each of him but provided no comfort no silver lining no hope. It was like the joy had been picked right from his heart and tossed to a trash bin except he was in the trash bin and there was no sky no ground. It was just pitch black and empty. Except for creepy shushing sounds, and ooos and boos from everywhere.

"Pitch quit that!" Darkar shouted. "You're scaring our guest who has entangled himself in this cage of darkness."

"Sorry Master you know it's my job those enter here to fear it so well. I'm the Master of Fears. I know everyone's fears." He responds loudly. "Come on, Nightmare leave the grown warrior to his misery."

The black horse made of mist neighed eyes glowing yellow as his master who looked not that much different from Dumant but a whole lot less fun.Its black mane and tail rippling in the blended winds within the nightly darkness.

"You know I did tell you not to go after the Dragonflame first, Darkar." said Pitch. "Valtor is still around."

"Valtor is imprisoned where he rightfully belongs enduring a frozen world of prison with his eyes wide open, I am well aware of your partner student in training. He has not learnt the lesson his step-mothers had to teach him by turning him demon. But I hope you will not be as stubborn as he was. You were both loyal but Valtor was always bending rules drove me nuts." said Darkar. "The Pied Piper is a much better choice he keeps Saladdin the wizard at bay but who undid that spell upon this boy. I thought I told him to wipe out the ones who sang such a lovely tune all who knew it should be gone and gone."

Solette stood up and sang quietly. "Here deeper in the darkness demons hide to attack and captivate but they can't touch me my spirit, body or soul, or even my pride for what's good and bright filled with light prevents the evil from feeding upon your heart. I won't be bent out of shape because all of the sins shouting to me in my head, "Girl, come on unleash your fury rush into the fight and get your revenge.
No, I won't be the fool you believe I am!
I wash chosen for a reason to protect the powers blazing in my heart. Though I don't know why this happen I won't allow my light to burn all out.
Even if it's just one last little candle flame speckle upon the horizon and you can't see.
Hold my hand my voice will be your light in the dark.
I will be your beacon, your lighthouse your compass point as a star in the evening heavens
I'll light your way to and fro
And back all over again.
I'll stay at your side till the final finale's end.
Hope you would do the same for me.

Oh brother dear, I won't give up
Till I practiced my best and defended the innocent as well as I can
I'm not a fool revenge is not an answer to a battle.
It is like lying to cover up a lie to hide a noble mess.
The spot only grows and grows till it is a pitfall you end up digging up.
I don't rush into things like so many others!
I do all my learning and I'll face my many enemies straight on!
I don't care day or night rain or shine.
Brother I will search for you from dawn to last burning light of day's end on the horizon and on into the dusk.
I will shatter my opponent's strengths and break you free from your curses they spelled you with, brother!
i will not give up until you can have your happily ever after begin with your family new and old all reunited to celebrate your return at our lovely home."

"We'll find him." says Darcy hugging Solette. "Even in the darkness when you can't see anything but blackness, take my hand let my voice be your light, let me your beacon your lighthouse to the shore. You would do the same for me so I'd do the same for you!"

She, Darcy, actually sang with a light fairy for the first time.

"Don't give up darling; if you find a way so will everyone else. I never knew it but turns out you light my world like the sun never did before!" Darcy continues to song. "You're the only one who has helped me stand strong against different bullies even when they're my own tried and true sisters. When you hold true to the words you promised the ones before a good feeling in your heart never disappears it stays, and hugs you tight lending its warmth."

"This is what it means Darkness and Light in Harmony we're friends best friends tried and true it's an astronomical twilight putting on a show right here right now. Lights in the skies shine on an ebony backdrop. Nobody knows how to make feel the way you always know you guys can do!" Solette sings taking Darcy's arms and lifting her off the log and dancing in the woods in fromt of the other girls. "Together lost in the dark when we can't see our voices will be each other's guiding lights a beacon shining bright like a very tall sturdy lighthouse upon a standing shore under the compass point of a certain Starlight! If I let my voice be your guiding light, I hope your voice you will let be my guiding light. If you do the same for me I will do just the same for you, Darcy/Solette no questions period!🎶 They sang the finale of the song together unified.

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