The Lost Memory

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Bloom's Pov
Selina and Roxy sat next to her on a wooden bench where they at the pizza the container kept moving on Selina's other side.

"No worries, it's just hungry, Bloom." said Selina stepping up to the blueberry bush by the trees and grabbing a few blueberries off the bushes and she dropped them into the square container even Dumant was suspicious of this action as the squirrel from the other side of the park.

"I still feel like I'm being watched." I sighed. "Something in the air feels a little bit more eerie than even you Selina did you do something to my Memory after seeing all those shapes in the fire and flames."

"I don't know what in the world you're talking about you might have firesight though don't people in your religion talk about seeing visions in the flames of candles, fireplaces and furnaces. Wasn't there a whole bible story on people walking through the flames unscathed?"

"Yes, there's." I say. "Maybe it's just a secret talent of mine, but what is in that pet house."

"Wait till I get you home." says Selina. "If I told you you wouldn't be able to get it through the door without your Daddy yelling get it out of the house you know."

Roxy giggled at the friendship of these and then she noticed. "Hey anyone up for Bocce Ball? Those girls look like they need a few extra players.

"Isn't Bocce plural for to bowl?" I asked Selina.

"Yeah, it's basically miniature bowling ball without the toppling pins." says Selina. "Hey! What's up here?"

"What's the matter Firerose?" asked Roxy. "You not going to play?"

"I'm not that into sports." I responded. "Selina is a little different because her boyfriend plays Calcio."

"That means Soccer doesn't it?" inquires Roxy.

"Yes, good job." I said surprise practically glistening in my eyes. She was so young I didn't expect her to understand Italian language.

"You don't have to be into sports it's not that hard of a game. Just think of it as spending time with your best friends, Fiore."

"How did you know that means Bloom in Italian?" I whispered at that moment a memory in the back of my head popped back up. I could hear shaking it was the ground. Gentle and delicate arms held me up out of the my crib.

"Bloom, oh stop crying we'll be okay!" stated a feminine voice.

"Doesn't your Mother have a lullaby?" Griffin hollered.

"Godmother Griffin if you keep yelling like that every one is going to know we're hiding something."

"I promised I protect you Daphne not just from the Ancestral Witches but a foe much darker than any of them."

"If you're talking about Valtor you already know I fought him of once and I can keep doing it." Daphne replies.

"No. The Ancestral Witches didn't act out of revenge not like Valtor did against your Father his brother." says Griffin. "This is something worse something much darker than any of the members of the company of Light he is the reason behind all these erratic earthquakes that plagued Domino as of late. The Dark Knight is back and he has stretched his arms out and is looking for the power of the universe."

Daphne knew this meant he was after her and now she was thankful at the time she had already earned Enchantix because the fairy form helped her fight dark magic.

"I know what to do give me the time you can get I have to calm my sister and send her away with my most precious treasures." Daphne says. "The Seven Nymphs of Magix will help you keep those witches back I trust you Lady Griffin."

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