The Bocce Ball Court

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It was a green lawn bordered off by wood pieces.

"Come on, Bloom," states Roxy easily with delight dragging her away out of her thoughts and towards the Bocce Field. Selina knelt into the proper position which ironically is kind of the same stance a warrior knight would do when they have to throw something really heavy. Though a bocce ball was so much lighter than a soccer, basketball or volleyball or football it could break your foot if someone accidentally make you drop it on them or purposely made you do it.

Dumant was confused as to why he couldn't hear Bloom's voice it was like all he heard was mixed up gibberish maybe because he was a squirrel and this was a consequence of the form and he was too focused on being squirrelish. Selina did an underhand throw and the ball went rolling away down the hillside grass lawn. It was just five steps away from the small ball. Roxy walked up to the lawn and picked up a ball and threw it and it ended up right before Selina's.

"Nice try," said Selina. "Sally you're up."

Sally was a year older than Selina and Bloom and 4 years apart from Roxy.

"Hey, Bloom, look I'm sorry I made fun of your hair when you were at school last year. I didn't mean any of it."

"Why?" I asked. "Your Mitzi's bestie why would you dare apologize to me? It's not like you. I remember the word carrothead rolling right off your tongue loud and clear. You also called a Flamehead."

"Bloom, calm it down please." whispered Selina. She gripped her friends hand at once and I seemed to fix my attitude almost automatically. Why did Selina always help me with this? I feel consistently as if I'm roasting fire of pent up emotions.

"I'm so sorry, that's the past and my parents would want me to love, forgive and forget. It's your turn Sally."

"Actually why don't we swap turns?" asked Sally. "I have a good feeling about this."

She hands me the ball. I was surprised, but I took it. She bent down next to the lawn and threw the ball also underhanded and it went sailing right past Selina's ball. I picked up another ball and handed it to Sally. Sally got a little closer to the lawn she also did underhand throw and it bumped my ball closer enough to the small. Sally picked up another ball and she hands it to Roxy encouraging her. "Let's see what you got kid."

Roxy copied our movements. She threw the ball and it rolled away at steady pace. It touched Sally which touched mine to the small ball

"Bocce Colpo di palla che backs!"

"Oh my goodness!" exclaims Roxy. "We hit a structurely organized kissing ball shot!"

"You're really good at translating Italian," spoke Selina. "Both of you and Bloom?"

"Oh, come on, Selina. It's not that hard I bet even you could tutor a tourist in the language of our land sometime. You're acting like other classmates who say to me, "How are you even going to this class again? And I'm like: What?... Like it's hard to get into this class?" I explained.

"Guards è il Pettirosso!" Sally exclaims I didn't shudder at this.

"Beautiful! I didn't know that they would linger around."

"Most of the Robins in Europe don't migrate unless they have spring breeding grounds in Russia or Other parts of Northern Europe." I informed.

(So for people who are telling you that there's no such thing as the Robin in Europe well this is wrong, this was a screenshot of a taken photo of someone visiting Italy and spotting the European Robin in which there's no difference between both g...

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(So for people who are telling you that there's no such thing as the Robin in Europe well this is wrong, this was a screenshot of a taken photo of someone visiting Italy and spotting the European Robin in which there's no difference between both genders of the European Robin and the American Robin aside from where they live)

"She's right." says Roxy. "Did you know the bird like this is the same as the one in America that they both look the same in both genders and such."

"Also did you know that there's a saying kill a Robin in Italy and your house will end up on fire?" inquires Sally. I shivered to know that because well I read it. It was weird why would someone say such a statement like that. "I don't understand why someone was being so scary when creating that warning."

"Guys!" Roxy said her eyes went wide open. A limousine slammed on the street.

"Oh goodness!" I exclaimed. "Come on they might need some help."

"Eugh! My shop! I'm so suing that limousine company!" exclaims the shop owner.

I saw Selina stop and it looks like she was talking but with who and what.

Then I looked across the street. The shop wall had pushed the car back.

"Um, sire you might want to rethink about the suing the car company cause where's your evidence?" I inquired.

"Don't toy with me little girl, I know what I saw."

"I think she means look behind you," said Roxy. The shop owner turned around and gaped and exclaimed. "But how no one could have fixed that damage that quickly of course."

"I guess we should think of it as a miracle right, Selina?" inquires Sally.

"A Fall Autumn Miracle absolutely."

The hood of the car's damage was also repaired.

"The car's steering correctly now and a thousand apologies sure, we must have our own protective angels' somewhere."

"Everyone has more than one angel guardian." I responded. "This is a common misconception about my kind of religion. Why would we say Angels protect us please if it was just one guardian angel huh?"

"You're that kid who refuses to attend the masses and pray to the dead."

"I do that because I am aware part of that is deadly wrong and corrupt." I shouted.
Dumant's One sentence Pov
Well, she is a spicy hot girl but I couldn't read her identity.
"Electric aura transportus!"

Dumant got pulled away from the park.

"Stay away from my step-niece in-law, Dumant!" Nebula exclaimed.

Dumant gasped. And asked. "What? How? Nebula, you pestering Fairy!"

"Ah no! Try again idiot boy of the Animals! I'm not just an Earth Fairy you know! My brother sent me to Alfea six years ago! And I have a few tricks other Earth fairies don't, Electric blast!"

It hit him straight on and he toppled back in a grassy plain.

Anagan could feel it from the warehouse downtown.

"Dumant's in trouble it's Nebula" says Anagan. "I don't know how she got out of Tir Nan Og but she somehow did."

"Oh, great!" exclaims Gantlos groaning. "Just when I didn't need the action I wanted!"


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