In Love With The Sea

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"Oh, man!" groans Varanda. "I hate that my Mornings get filled up with Royal lectures now. I never had to be super concerned about that before hand."

She had managed to leave the palace behind and leapt into the waters of the Ocean of Callisto. Manta her bonded selkie met her underwater.

"I sensed your stressed fairy energies, Princessa." Manta replied.

"Ever since my brother decided to be the stupidest prince ever known to exist in this world well a lot of his chores fell to me and I find myself cleaning up his royal messes he left behind. I've been so busy I haven't had time to organize a playdate with Eagalia. A royal life is harder than it looks."

"Anyone's life is hard even those who aren't royals." Manta said. She took my hand and dragged me to a part of the ocean I hadn't seen. It was a mercouple maze of statues.

"I don't understand, I thought merpeople only came from Andros realm?"

Manta shook her head, and replied. "There's a race from Neverland, A Race from Earth and A race in Andros. The Andros merfolk the civilians are explorers creatures comfortable with going beyond their own realms to experience others. At least two families dwell in Zenith, a full family dwell in the Magix realm and some even went to Domino. And all but Domino mermaid found her way to her and she's the only member left of her race, Princess Kyra, Sinbad's wife."

"Did she have family?" gaped Varanda.

"Two sisters. 1 married one of the guards who is in charge of Databridge castle on Zenith." said Manta. "Her sister Eva went with her to be with her and her brother in-law Sinbad to get away from the arguments Valtor and Oritell consistently had."

"Valtor the Wizard son of the Ancestral Witches?" inquired Varanda hugging her shoulders as she shivered in the process of even bringing up the name. She saw the animals of the ocean back up from the two of them in utter fear and panic.

"Little ones, it's just a name." answered Varanda. "Anyways fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."

Manta nodded smiling at her bonded fairy.

"You are smart."

"I don't like word smart, Manta, it's ultra boring." Varanda speaks her mind. "I prefer to think of myself as sharp like Timothy's son Timmy."

She gaped as she saw a shellfish clam opened up on the bottom of the sea flower glimmery was something from the center now. It was a photo.

"It's a fairy making a hawk totem but why?" gasped Varanda. "And how did it get buried all the way down here in this ocean?"

"This looks like an Ancestral Fairy drawing, Varanda." says Manta.

"Ancestral Fairies I thought they were a myth?" inquired Varanda much surprised about this. She looked hard at the picture.

The name Atura stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Atura! Atura who's royal family does she belong too?" Varanda think think you just learned this.

"The Callisto ocean mermaids have the royal family tree members all the way back 9 generations, Varanda. I'll show you to it."

The grey selkie swam off her Princess right behind her clutching the picture of the Ancestral Fairy of Nature's photo. She was surprised it hadn't gotten damaged in the process of falling beneath the waves.

Manta requested a librarian at Callistoean Underwater Ocean Library to show them everything they had on the Domino royal family.
Varanda came across the Family Tree book Manta mentioned.

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