Absolutely Fed Up

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"I don't get it, I'm in love with that orangerose." Erid mumbled. He was frustrated with Bloom's behaviour he had the time to tell her and swallow his shyness around her and tell her how he felt, but she rejected him.

"Don't you realize you're a bit tense?" Carlina questioned.

"Yep, my sister is right, you're a bit clingy, and every lady needs their space." Carlie stated.

"Plus you're far too proud for your own good, and I'm not surprised since you wanna be a movie actor, Erid. And Bloom Peters' probably doesn't want all the cringe attention right now." says Carlina.

"Did you just say, I make her cringe?" asked Erid. "That's impossible! She would never do that!"

"You really think you can't make someone cringe blonde boy!"

"Not the Shadow again!" exclaimed Erid. "I locked you in that bathroom how did you get out?!" The completely night like reflection of Bloom appeared.

"Show your crush a bit more respective attitude, teenie!" She cackled.

"What is he doing?"
questioned Carlie watching Erid back up and cower in absolute horrified face.

"No clue," Carlina responds. "There is nothing there anyways."

"You mean you two can't see her?" asked Erid. "Bloom's a copycat?!"

"Her?! Really, Bloom can't be in two places at once, honestly Erid, you need to get your head adjusted." Carlie giggled. Erid groans as the girl in front of him was also laughing. Why was this happening to him at all?

"Get ready for a sweeter nightmare, foolish troublemaker boy." The shadow girl pressed him against the wall, and her left hand, and it wrapped around a contain of a cylinder shaped can on her holster, and she wouldn't let him move an inch and she sprayed him and his eyes went up and he saw flames in his mind. But he saw a puddled on the floor and him suddenly on his hands and knees Carlina holding an empty bucket shining from the water, standing over him, "Your hair little on fire boy not going to say thank you or anything polite to two aspiring Girlscouts of Italy huh?"

"You heard my sister, say thank you at least, or do you not believe your hair got singed?" inquired Carlie holding a hand mirror in front of him and his face to see his blonde hair, and the bangs and right side of it was half burnt up.

"Erid Matthews Ginaro." Erid shivered that was his mother's voice. "You heard these kind ladies, properly thank them, your Dad asked me to come and fetch you your disrupting the jobs of the firefighters. You're coming with me since you keep terrorizing Miss Peters. And you will not be visiting these visiting professionals until you learn to get a grip on reality and to never bring flammable substances here again."

"But Mom, Bloom took my hairspray I couldn't do anything with it anyway." Erid spoke holding up his hands in a pleading manner. The spray sound came again. The Shadow Bloom was still standing right at him.

"Still feel like Kissing? Awh, such a poor crybaby are those tears in your eyes."

She pinched his nose.


"This guy is totally loosing it, something has been whacked out in his brain." mumbled Carlina.

"I apologize for the nuisances and whatever havoc of distractions my son maybe causing and I'll make sure he writes you both a full thank you notice, and apologizes to annoying Bloom."

Erid's mother grabbed him by the right wrist and dragged him out the door.

"Well done, Shadow Nightmare."

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