"'You're Angry That's Bad Fairy!'"

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Dumant stood up and transformed into a grizzly bear and growled loudly. "You're angry; that's Bad Fairy!"

"Cause of you!" snapped Nebula. He slammed the ground with his like forelegs and she jumped into the air.

"Electronic Lightning!" exclaims Nebula summoning big powerful spell that lit up the sky. Her powers went to the clouds and the skies on earth went green.

The people who followed Bloom, Roxy and Selina even the limousine driver looked up. He said. "Wow! Green fireworks! It must be the celebrational mark of the end of the summer of this year."

"That's not fireworks," Bloom responds. "I know real fire when I see it and that is not it!"

Selina lingered behind and spoke to the air again.
"Wisteria why are you still here?"

"Um, Selina, you do realize you weren't the only fairy raised to live on Earth part of my duty as an Earth pixies is protect the visitors and that's Earth fairy magic and someone's created an electric lightning storm in those clouds. Ask the driver if you can all get in his car. You did just save him a huge lawsuit battle by asking or wishing for me to fix that damage on the building and his car."

"But Eldora said Bloom can't see magic or know about it yet." responds Selina.

"She said that about Bloom's magic within her and the magic in you,  but not about me and my magic my magic reaches every child who has had dreams on Earth that includes both of you. It's why I'm the Pixie of Wishes of Earth." says Wisteria. "Now do follow my advice please bonded fairy!"

"Mr. do you mind if we stay under your the roof of your car until the dry lightning stops?"

"Why the car?" asked Sally. "Wouldn't the car just explode?"

"Maybe if it was electric and had copper wiring but this copper wired," spoke Bloom defense. "And silver is also more dangerous. This car has a steel metal cage platform frame and rubber tires twice the protection from getting hit by the high voltage of cloud to ground lightning. May we sir?"

This lightning was filled with rage and Roxy gripped Bloom's hand and hugged her. Bloom felt touched by this movement.

"Absolutely get on in." He answered. "Um what is your name?"

"Miss Bloom Peters." Bloom introduced herself. "Everyone in the car now!"

And everyone was in the car and green lightning hit the ground.

"Um, Bloom, look at this." Roxy said. She picked up the container of Selina's she left on the bench. Arthur had not left their side. He leaped upon onto the floor next to Roxy. She pointed to the ground outside of card window. Bloom's eyes went wide open back to what Sally said. "You kill a Robin your house will be set on fire 🔥!"

Selina was handed the package.

"I will take you home," says the Driver. "It's too dangerous to walk in this mess of a thing."
We all giggled at what he called the drying lightning storm.

"Y should drop me and Miss Peters off at her home with Roxy. I'm pretty sure your parents won't mind you staying overnight we'll just give them a call when we get to Bloom's house."

Meanwhile across the skies through many rings of the Magic Dimension on the fourth upper ring lay the world of Callisto. A Princess with brunette hair was practicing her signature on a piece of parchment. It read Princess Varanda of Callisto and no that is no spelling error it's the Portugal variant of the name. It is also the Hindi variant of the name as well. Veranda is strictly the U. S. A variant of the name and Verandah is that good old Uk variant of the name.

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