NO! That Melody

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Alvrico covered his ears he couldn't stand the song he was hearing for even those words were making him cry uo in tears. For even his own mother sang the song to him and every planet in the Magic Dimension had heard the song before including Zenith. Alvrico had been ripped from his Mother's arms as she sang the verses bitterly. An avidity to punishment is always dangerous to liberty, it leads mankind to stretch, mis interpret and misapply even the best of the laws. For he that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his opponent from opposition for if he does not follow through with this duty he establishes a precedent that eventually reaches onto himself.

🎶Walking on my childhood shores,
I miss you so.
Mama my music's yours!

I fry 'till the water's blue,
Where whales still sing
Remember when we sang it too.

As tide goes in, goes out,
I close my eyes and you return to me.
Return to me
On waves of ocean Melody
No magic can make you reappear.
But in the Song of the Whales,
You're always here!

Mama, you'd be so proud
The way I shine.
Wish that you could see me now.
Oh, Great Creatures of the Sea,
Please hold her voice for all of eternity!
And like a Siren's lullaby, I know you always will!

Return to me.
Return to me on waves of ocean Melody!
No magic can make you reappear!
But in the Song of the Whales,
You're always here!

Return to me
Return to me on waves of ocean Melody!
No magic can make you reappear!
But in the Song of the Whales,
You're always here...!
But in the Song of the Whales,
You're always here...!

The spell dropped over Loon's coyote like body and because only Darkar's dark magic worked he had his human form back temporarily thanks to the energy that went to repel the hypnosis from his song.

"You made a big mistake Darkar meddling with Faragonda her fairies. It's time for you to go back to your slumber!" exclaimed Loon his brown hair shining vividly with the edgy tints of the flames of the Dragonflame.

"Pathetic you're no warrior, young lad."

"I may not be a warrior but not every story needs a warrior when you can hit the object contaminated at the source." Loon pulled his glowing sword of light in front of Darkar. "I trust my sister and I trust the Princessesof Dyamond will save me soon enough. This for all of Magix realm and the safety of the Magic realms. I know you won't be gone for long but at least I can slow down your advance." He sliced the scepter against the throne in half with the magic sword of light he weilded causing Darkar to scream in agony!

"If I go, you're coming with me!" exclaimed Darkar throwing the sword away from the young warrior and pulling him into the black shrouded mist. Moonlily's trance dropped. Shadowvale was frozen in time still. She felt bad but she didn't remember the spell she used.

The Great Book of Fairies appeared in Daphne's arms and a mysterious voice appeared to speak from it. "My dear Nymphs of Magix realm Supreme Surperior beings of light kindness and sympathy you have slowed the advance of your enemy by giving new life to my flower of Magic light the lilo which I planted here when I was a Headmistress. Your skills will be able to grow even more than before than they could. Your journey into Charmix and Enchantix and beyond awaits you all."

"You're the Ethereal Fairy of Dreams, are you?"

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"You're the Ethereal Fairy of Dreams, are you?"

"I'm, call me Dreamla. Your friend's sister was saved by your song, Diletta for the Pied Piper betrayed its message and when that song is song all his spells from the very last year stop working and fall apart. Moonlily will be find, but Darkar will come back. But I cannot give you all good news. In Darkar's quest to win Solette over as she held a specific part of the Dragonflame he took captivate her brother whom the Shaman witch transformed to a coyote and Darkar took him to the Dark vortex with him as soon as loon smashed the Shadow Scepter."

"That's the Dimension of Darkness isn't?" asked Daphne worriedly. The Ethereal fairy of Dreams nodded. "Only graduating from Alfea Academy and earning the gift of Harmony can save the sun warrior from the darkness of the Dark Dimension, if he is not rescued soon he maybe a coyote for the rest of his life."

Solette stumbled in pain a pitch black hole she saw a scepter smashed in pieces on the floor of Shadowhaunt a veiled curtain over a square box a leash with chain links and the dog like creature of the coyote's mouth muzzled she heard his whimpering and it was unbearable. She covered her ears and cried and cried and sat upon a log. Darcy and the others were shocked. They had never seen the light fairy so vulnerable.

The girls Daphne, Autumnrose, Diletta, Lilyice, Janice and Marlene appeared outside of the Aviary room and Faragonda stood in front of them.

"Faragonda have you heard about the Ethereal Fairy of Dreams?" inquires Daphne.

"No, why?"

"She just spoke to all of us out of the Lilo in the Black Fog Mountain area that Diletta made bloom in the Alfea Secret Garden Aviary."

"Ahhh the Ethereal Fairy of Dreams she created Alfea to help regular girls protect the deepest fantasies of everyone else in world if it were for her nobody would've dreamed up of Wishing Stars, Fairy Godmothers, Guardians of the Holidays and seasons. None of these guardians would have existed unless her little volunteers had put the ideas into their head. The Ethereal fairy made the rule that a fairy must be bonded to a pixie who connects rather deeply to each other at the heart but not all pixies on Magix realm." Wizgis informed us.

"And where else might they be?" asked Diletta.

"There is one pixie village for every planet, my dear, Nymps." answered Professor Wizgis.

"He's such a character isn't he, Faragonda?" inquired Autumnrose.

"Well, yes, but he never told me anything about the Ethereal fairy of dreams, or pixies having villages on other worlds." said Faragonda.

"I find that rather odd, Wizgis prefers to share his stories rather than hideout in a corner underneath a desk." stammered Lilyice.

"We all know Wizgis doesn't shoo from a fight, Lilyice." sighs Marlene. "Nothing you're saying makes sense right now from the two of you."

"Sorry, my partner is just a little confused by everything you said." Janice answered.

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