Entering Alfea Academy

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Solette, and Anne came with Darcy on the stretcher. The barrier could see there wasn't a touch of Dark magic yet developed in Darcy's heart. It opened for the three girls.

"I'm proud of you girls," says Faragonda. "Welcome to Alfea Darcy. May your stay be refreshing, and rejuvinating to your body."

"Thank you, Headmistress Faragonda, this is a really nice cool school." said Darcy.

"Let's get you to meet Nurse Ofelia." stated Solette.

"I'm gonna go help the others set up for the party tomorrow evening, Lette." Anne replied.

She swore she heard a voice that sounded exactly like the voice of the singer Keke Palmer in our world today.

It was Aisha singing as the Astronomical Twilight began to shimmer.

"Pitch blackness in the darkness,
Lonely but have some company I do cause I have to have a hand to hold
A body to cuddle
A shoulder one can always trust to be comfortable when you are in tears.
This is how much I miss you.
Yes, I have a Guardian Brother now.
But you were feminine and so different.
I don't care that you're even white, Anne.
You're more than a friend you're a family member who made me feel like I finally belong.
I miss you so much so so very much.
I go to sleep at night in the dark writing your name a hundred times over in my journal since the day you were found out and forced to leave the realm.
The shadows scare me.
I keep the door and windows of my room ajar every morning I hope to see you standing right beside.
But I know it ain't possible not till I hold the crown and throne of the Andros Land Kingom.
You won't ever know just how much I really miss you.
My tears drown my pillows and their rivers soak my bed.
Nobody understand just how painful a broken friendship truly is!" Aisha stopped singing. "I watch couples and friends both groups of girls and groups of boys wondering how are they so so happy.
No one knows the love behind a Sisterhood or Brotherhood
Or even a Sisterbrotherhood.
Its love its loyalty cannot be erased or forgotten or measured.
But all within those relationships hate being forced apart, being busy, and most of all feeling like
They've all be ignored and thrown away.
To be honest before the water called you to me, Anne
In the palace I always felt trash.
I've always felt like trash.
I miss you oh so much, Anne.
I will miss you forever.🎶

Anne could hear it, but she couldn't tell what it was coming from, A hand was placed on her shoulder. She flinched slightly and realized it was Palladium.

"You should be inside already my lady, it's going to get colder. "But what's got you so flummoxed, Miss Anne?"

"I heard someone singing; I believe it to be an old friend, Palladium, I could just being hearing things." Anne stated shrugging. "But it was moving and sad at the same time."

"Water fairies don't just hear things, Lady Anne, I think you did something rather special tonight, something you needed to hear, young lady."

"Really, Professor?" She asked, but he didn't answer her again removing his left hand from her right shoulder. But on the ground she noticed an envelope made in the shape of the elven leaf symbol for the padlock spell. She picked it up and saw it was addressed to her. She opened it.

Dear Anne,
I have been watching your activity and behaviors beyond the Alfea classroom of mine, and I'm very impressed you could tell the truth to two new people who actually care about you, and with the way you handled checking the frograt by working with Nature's originally planned ecosystem. You may be crazy in your village on the Island back on Andros,
But you are one of the few females that possesses the Voice of Oceans that gifted you your Wave Whisperer ability.
One day your Island folk people will grow to love and miss what they have always hated about you and your brother.
Good luck in your school year this year
Love Palladium.
Anne's nose sniffled, besides her brother not even another white person had shown her compassion or sympathy but the elvish Professor just changed that and Solette was about to change even more but she was a peachy skin tone than white.

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