The Contrasts

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(The different alignment is because I decided to make Bloom left handed)

Bloom's Pov
I had sat down at the table with my parents, well with just Vanessa right now, my Dad was getting us drinks and so I was reading again into that Edgar Allen Poe story.
We were on the fourth paragraph of Adventure of Hans Pfaal.

"'In the meantime, however, lower and still lower toward the goodly city, came the object of so much curiousity, and the cause of so much smoke. In a very few minutes it arrived near enough to be accurately discerned. It appeared to be–yes! it was undoubtedly  a species of balloon (funny  Edgar Allen Poe must have inspired Wizard of us 95 years ago, this was the second thing she read besides a French paper translated to Italian on Thomas Jefferson and another famous historic person's comments and fascination with the hot air balloons) since reading Wizard of Oz. Lately since she was six she kept seeing things of future Earth life and she didn't know where this strange energy was coming from at all.); but surely no such balloon had ever been seen in Rotterdam before. For, who, let me ask, ever heard of a balloon manufactured out of dirty newspapers? No man in Holland certainly; (Oh my those days where Holland was considered part of the Dutch area of Europe, but now they don't say that anymore) unless referring to Rotterdam and the Hague provinces of the Netherlands)) yet here, under the very noses of the people, or rather at some distance above their noses (how poetically silly, Poe!) I giggled silently but it must have slipped right out of my mouth as my Mom, Vanessa clasped my hand, and said. "So good to see you laughing. By the way since School has been shut off and delayed to deal with this lame teacher's court case Mike says you can join him at the fire department tomorrow."

I blushed, and said, "That's amazing Daddy, I'm glad I get to go with you again, it will be fun for me to do a scavenger hunt of whatever's changed about the building since I was three 31/2 years ago . Can I at least finish the sentence I was reading before we say grace?"

"Absolutely daughter." Mike responds focusing on pouring his wife's drink...........
Back to the story,
was the identical thing in question, and composed, I have it on the very best authority, of the precise material which no one had ever before known to be used for a similar purpose.'"

I will pick up the rest of the paragraph later. Making things out of news papers isn't a brand new art anymore and I could only imagine what talent and precision that had to take. I wanted to fly and if being in a hot air balloon was the closest thing above a grounded fairy then so be it, I'd take any opportunity I could get to be on a balloon ride. I really wanted to taste and contact that fresh thin high air of the white clouds like I could on a ship every time we set off in summer for Sardinia island my family took a sailing ship and the Captain was teaching me how to sail it and even showed me the view from the crow's nest at the middle mast. Dad of course freaked out, but Vanessa was their to soothe him while I got to be 60 feet high in the air accompanied not just by a Maine Coon cat but also a Norwegian forest cat too they practically lived up in the crow's nest the first mate said they'd always been sea cats. And people say cats hate water those cats don't the air has fresh bits of dew still clingy to it.
I set my book down on the smaller side table beside us what we use when the orphan children visit every Christmas in this house. I loved those weeks they were the best times of my very entire life, truly! We were joined by my Dad sliding me my drink across the table to which I smirked and prevented it from splashing off the table onto the floor but instinctively catching it with my left hand. All three of us made the sign of the cross, and folded their hands saying, "The eyes of all look to You, O LORD, and You give them their food at the proper time. You open Your hand and satisfy ghe desires of  every living  thing- Psalm 145:15-16
LORd, God, heavenly Father? bless us and these Your gifts, which we receive from  Your bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord Amen."
The soup noodles had gotten larger grown from steeping in the hot water so you weren't as likely to burn your tongue.
However I try to be as kind to my parents right now as they let me get away with stuff my grandfathers and great grandfather who  Mike was named for would never allow at a dinner time such as a book, or cellphones or pagers he refused to have them at the dinner table. She could see herself in the still steamy soup water's reflection with six other cheerful and colorful girls one of them she recognized as the girl in her funky dream she slipped into. Her voice sounded so familiar , but why was it so very familiar?  Speaking of witch her mind suddenly zipped to a famous future American actress and a birthday party tomorrow.  This actress would only be  2 tomorrow as the birthday cake had a large two after the Happy Birthday  dear K. P.  She knew who it was, but she honestly thought she was daydreaming little did she knew her fire vision was developing unaware to her. It was Vanessa's  repetitive insistence that she get over fire and flames in the oven   and yet she was still adverse to it, but she did it anyway she needed the practice so she would embarrass her  Great-Grandfather.

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