Nearly Invisible P2

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(Elevate's Picture Top of the Page and her kitten and also seeable again halfway down the page.)

Elevate groaned as she can't believe Griselda found out about her attitude.

"Hey, Elevate." Alderra spoke. "You okay you seemed stressed?"

"Phew! It's been two years at this school since a student bothered to ask me if I was okay much less staff members." muttered Elevate with an annoyance. "I know I get stupid in class and barely keep up with the homework loads as is. But my Mom is in the Callisto Hospital. She has cancer. And with the Mercury in the air and the hospital forgetting to shut the windows it's gotten to her lungs and rapidly increasing the lung cancer."

"Lung Cancer that is serious." sighs Anne. "Mercury from inhaling smoke can slowly cause it develop and once it starts its hard to stop. Have the Doctors tried fiber plants?"

"We don't have fiber plants on Callisto and unfortunately we don't have Nature fairies either who actually know what thry're doing their." mumbled Elevate.

"Well maybe there is a way we can convince someone to get your Mother to the Magix Hospital instead." said Solette.

"We'll help you deal with this." Asherra said.
"Yeah, it's totally nor fair." said Desertrose.

"And I'm not allowed to visit her or she may give it to me." says Elevate. "But she's my Mom. And I want to hear her voice again."

"You'll get to, Elevate." said Anne. "Asherra and I will make sure of it."

"Let me and Alderra walk you to Palladium's Nature Class." said Solette. Desertrose went with the other two to talk to a couple of other teachers. "So what systems does she have?"

"Persistent pneumonia." said Elevate. "My Father is or was a smoker but once he found the material in his cigar were getting their by illegal means with an illegal substance he stopped. But that was enough to send him hysterical and now he has PTSD. And unfortunately that's why I stayed at Alfea I prefer it over my bullying Aunt and his brother. Plus eat a meal I am overgrossed out by it."

"What could that possibly be?" inquired Alderra.

"Shark Fin Soup." Elevate responds. "To make it you cut the dorsal fin of a shark and though you may not think you're killing the shark by removing that but it's an essential part of Shark life sharks in waters without their dorsal fins are basically condemn to death plus people do not realize that you shouldn't be eating shark anyways they've tons of Mercury in them. Those people who jump at the chance to eat Shark Fin soup I might always guarantee them they may just have set themselves up for their families to dig their own grave at some point in the future."

"Why do sharks have a problem without dorsal fins?" questioned Solette.

"Well, the waves of the ocean are violent enough on our shores they're more violent out at the mouths of our oceans. And that meaning that sharks would get shaken up badly by that because without the stabilization of their dorsal fin. And if a shark can't swim a straight line, and it can't oxygen of water through the gills like it normal would in a straight line it will suffocate. Sharks must keep moving to be able to breathe. Native Americans excluding those living in California say the Shark is basically a dog, just like Hawai'ians do too. In fact Hawai'ians do not harm sharks. They are revered there and considered guardians in fact in the Capital there's a program chance to go get in the water and cast that stupid shark fear out of your heads and get to watch them from underwater. I wanna go and do that myself some day."

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