Tough Fairies

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Daphne in her ballgown up above.

"You girls look absolutely stunning, Solette, Anne, Desertrose, Alderra, and Asherra."

"So do you, Daphne." said Asherra.

"Thank you for that," said Daphne. "Oh it's Alfea's Anthem."

"Yea!" The other five girls shouted and hands went to their heart same as the nymphs and sang together.

🎶Oh, Alfea, oh Alfea,
Our school makes us proud
When you cheer for all our glory always cheer out loud!
The best and brightest gather here
From all our many realms!
Learning potions, transformations and empower spells,
Alfea teach us well!"

A familiar face stood amongst the crowd. Faragonda gasped. Daphne did too.

"Fantastically magical fairies, I love music." said a merry old man with a very long white beard and spectacles.

"Dumbledore, why are you here?" Daphne asked.

"Because it is almost my time to pass onwards from this world your parents, Princess Daphne and the steward were exceptional exchange students at Hogwarts. But I came here asking if one of your girls could handle a phoenix bird. They will light on fire so if any of you are bothered by that."

Daphne remember pictures of Fawkes, but she didn't think she could take up the quest of caring for a Phoenix even if she had the most experience with fire breathing animals thankfully Alderra stepped up and said. "I can do it, Dumbledore, in it is my Nature as a Nature fairy to overcome fears like animals lighting on fire. Besides the Great Phoenix creature is our link between Lynphea & Earthworld Magics as they are the plants where the Phoenix went. Just let me know half a year before the time."

"Your fairies are still as helpful as ever, Faragonda."

"We try our hardest to make sure it keeps that way; I take it things on Earth are not too good at the moment in the Wizarding World if you're already looking ahead into Fawkes future. He is the last of his kind on Earth that we know of it is completely understandable especially amongst the Wizarding World."

"It's not well, this year will be tough on Hogwarts and the other school years I must ask you do not send your students to Earth for the next three years unless they're committed to never revealing they're magical. The Dementors are out of control. And the Ministry of Magic is being stubborn about everything every little detail. It is for the safety of your students I request this."

"I know Cosima Ravenclaw, our Alfea Ghost has kept me informed of the going ons about Hogwarts and the Ghosts do not keep their mouths shut much less the people in their paintings." Faragonda responds Dumbledore chuckles at this.

"That's the Magic Mystery of Hogwarts Faragonda a noisy ancient building and yet nobody non magical can discover it or hear all its noises."

"What of the Wizards of the Black Circle in the Muggle World?" inquired Faragonda.

"They will not complete their first mission until Valtor's apprenctice is gone. There are Earth fairies who will accessible despite what they will do, Faragonda. Sibyla and Aurora I believe with stay untouched their ancient homes far outmatch the conquering skills on the wizards. As long as they have bad intentions they cannot enter Sibyla's Cave in the Italian Mountainous Forest. The only way would they be able to do that would be to enter with someone who has good intentions by their side. Sibyla and King Arthur & Merlin were all close friends, Faragonda. Aurora's North Tower is colder than the coldest ocean of the Arctic any attempt to reach her even through flying would be futile. The winds around her are a protective bitter gale designed to wipe snoopers of their energy and send their limbs into a state of immobile paralysis because when you're numbed with the biting cold you forget whatever magic you saw in the whiteout wall of her storms. Even Gantlos's Winterrose's brother would have no energy to compete against those deadly winds and below subzero temperatures."

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