Free Spot

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August 19, 1995
"Daphne! Thanks for listening to my Starlight gram," says Eagalia.

"Of course, Eagalia." Daphne responds sweetly. "You're like sisters to me."

"Mercury is having a trial tomorrow thanks to what he did to both of us," Varanda announced.

"I heard the sentence is pretty harsh, if he pleads guilty, he'll get sent into Oblivion," stated Daphne. "I wish I could be there to support you guys, but Headmistress Faragonda and Mistress Griselda expect me to arrive at the school on time for orientation, tomorrow. The trial is at the exact same time orientation starts. If there's one thing I can't do as a fairy is being in two places at once. But I'm supportive of you in my heart. I'm always with you right inside here, okay, girls?"

"We understand completely, Daphne." Varanda responds. "Thanks for your help today."

"We wouldn't want Faragonda to get all furious at you after all," said Eagalia with a giggle. It felt weird to be in Daphne's guest room Eagalia and Varanda knew she would come back to Solaria as holidays began.

Daphne smiled this moment reminded her of her parents her Great Aunt Winterrose who smiled when she took on Valtor before he even decided to ask his Mothers for help to end the Domino line. They were so proud of her and her gaining Enchantix. She hugged the two Princesses once again.

Gantlos' Pov
Gardenia Earth the house next door with the help of Percival Weasley and the Wizards of the Black Circle the next door flames. I came up to the red headed boy.

"You were pretty savage back there," I announced.

"Really?" gasped Percy.

"It's no wonder your family rejected you like this. You can't help it, you may be eighteen but you've not yet matured. You can't think straight and you won't open up to your upstairs brain and your heart."

"Are you trying to coach me?" asked Percy. "I don't need advice from a dark wizard which is no doubt what you are. I don't like those risks and I wouldn't take them."

"What's more important not taking risks or taking risks to keep your family alive! Think on that one for awhile. I may not be friends with my family one side of things but I will help Zem help defeat this threat that could destroy the Earth world as we know it."

I walked away leaving the young boy in despair.

"What could you possibly gain from helping to defeat "He Who Must Not Be Named", Gantlos, you and your cousins aren't even from this world?"

"Just say the bloody name already and get over your fright!" Gantlos remarks quite clearly, sharply and coldly while turning around. "I want to hear you say it boy! A real wizard doesn't cower and shiver at name that is so simplistically boring! Now say it and I'll answer your question if you question me correctly is that clear boy?"

"What could you possibly gain from helping to defeat, Lord Voldemort?" Percy asked determinedly.

"Well for one we understand Voldemort's style he was trained by my step- cousin twin some people call us much to my annoyance," I informed the young Weasley boy. " Valtor trained him in some of the skills he has mastered. And we hoping for shelter in the Wizarding World when we have helped defeat this wizard you see we lost our homes to our cousin Valtor and his raging conquest for power. We learned not to be so power crazed and power hungry took what we could to protect some of it from him so he couldn't devour it all, and make our nightmares come true. We do wish to protect what little hope is possible for this Universe."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I should'nt have judged a Wizard by his stereotype. You guys aren't that bad, I'm sure Zen and I can work something out and you're right, I was wrong to be aiding the British Ministry of Magic, but I have to keep agreeing with them for one year more it's how much longer my internship is." Percy replies apologetically now.

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