Alfea Ball

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Dresses for the girls tonight

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Dresses for the girls tonight. I don't think I have to keep saying who is who, but I will anyways. Well anyways I'll tell you who's who in the pictures from Solette's apartment can you spot Solette yourself in one of these pictures. We will get to the other nymphs later.

"We have to solve what in the world is going on on Dyamond

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"We have to solve what in the world is going on on Dyamond." Desertrose replied. "First you recognize the eldest princess who ends up visiting Magix city here, Solette."

"And then this so called Shaman Witch character curses your brother and makes him into a half man half coyote that is one of the worst curses a Witch can enact." Anne said.

"How is that a problem?" asked Alderra.

"The coyote is the only apex predator in all of the Magic Universe the Earthworld included to be an unprovoked predatory attack on people. It is the only confirmed where children have been reported to be mauled girls. And if it can attach regular human children it would have no problems going up against cocky teenagers not to mention if we even found him we could risk getting bitten. The Shaman always copies the creature and its abilities as well as it diseases. Coyotes are one of the many reservoirs for the brain destroying virus called Rabies on Earth."

"I thought bats were the top." says Anne

"Hmm, no." Desertrose debunks that theory. "Humane Society on Earth said that less than one-half percent of one percent bat populations is responsible for rabies. Take that Atlanta CDC! They still haven't updated their facts. 1 point for the bats." (note these facts are our present day times and the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta still has facts that are from 2018 plus it's in Atlanta and last I checked because it's the CDC in Atlanta doesn't mean that they know everything about the animals who might have rabies in other areas. Whereas the rabies info and scroll all the way down and you will see the copyright symbol and next to it 2021 which means it is up to date you won't find that on the CDC at the bottom.)

"Raccons are the top of the list for being the carriers of the virus at 35% of all human rabies cases however only one death is reported from a raccoon." says Alderra. "But the chance of getting struck by lightning is much higher than getting rabies."

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