Time For Tears and Time For Laughs

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Elevate's Pov
I looked over to Anne. She was standing on the balcony alone.

"Are you okay, Lady Anne?" I asked.

"I'm fine, just someday, I will be able to visit my birthplace again in the future, but then again, I also dread ever returning to Andros Realm." Anne replied. "I don't want to worry and overwhelm you with the burdens of my past, especially when you've gone through a lot too this party was thrown for you. To make you feel whole and special. I don't want to see your frowning."

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder immediately and directed me back into the dorm room with our friends.

"Darkar obviously needs light to do what he wants to do." says Darcy. "I don't know why, but some reason he can't touch me even though I'm all his element."

"Then it must mean, his soul and body can't handle anymore darkness." Diletta responds. "It explains why he needs Moonlily's energy."

"I sense there might be something more to it." Daphne remarked immediately staring at the ceiling not knowing if her people's enemy was listening in on their conversation through her head. She knew why Darkar went after like not only was she his descendant of his traitorous descendants in his opinion but she was also very skilled and talented in the powers of the Elements of the Magic Dimension. She was a powerful prize in his eyes. He was using Shadowvale's helpless powerless state to get to her, but how can one help when you cannot see nor read your biggest enemy's next move. The Dark Knight had always been elusive only Shadow Whisperers could face him on even footing. And they were nearly wiped out. Darcy's magic came from that. In the fact she was one of the last witches of her magic type.

"Do you girls know any good kid jokes?" inquired Elevate.

"Why couldn't the bicycle stand up?" asked Alderra.

"Hmm, isn't it because it was two tired?" asked Asherra.

"Yep, that's an old Callisto realm joke; I've heard it in awhile." Elevate responded with a chuckle everyone in the dorm was laughing.

"Have you heard an ocean jokes every Magic realm in the Magic Dimension has an ocean." says Desertrose.

"Anne, do you know one?" asked Daphne.

"Well, I know one. It's one my brother used to say-but it's not super exciting."

"Who cares! A joke's still a joke." answered Asherra.

"You sounded like a witch there, Ashe." Darcy informed her.

"Well, I'm slightly more spicy than I'm sugar sweet, Darcy." says Ashe.

"Yes, please tell us Anne." Aquarose begged the older water fairy immediately.

"You should tell it before your patience goes thin, Anne, once Rosa here gets going on a begging trend here it's pretty much no use changing the oil while the engine still running."

"Autumn's right, Aquarose's begging turns into a very endless road, I'm Lilyice."

"She's one of our new friends we made over the summer." Diletta spoke. "She's my cousin and she's from how do you say it again."

"Malorix Realm." Lilyice responded.

"So that is where the famous piano that lights up with all the colors of the Magic Spring Season, right?" asked Torrence.

"Da! Who else would have it or it wouldn't be called the Malorix piano now would it, Torrence?" Sauer inquired immediately.

"I've never seen neighbors come to my parties before," said Elevate to Solette quietly.

"Well, every since the incident in your dorm most of the people who dwelt there have been overly appreciative of exposing the wrong doers. There are people who care here about you, Elevate just as me and my friends care about you. You're not on your own anymore Elevate.

"Okay, okay, Espiria please stop begging!" Anne exclaimed. "Here's the water joke, "What do you get when you throw a lot of books into the ocean?"

"A title wave." Darcy answered. Solette made Elevate's banner shimmer with her unique ability to manipulate the wavelength of light. "There's a Title wave for this girl right here. Jokes are fun; let's keep going. Water and Technical jokes only."

"What has four wheels and flies?" inquired Aquarose.

"A trash truck." Torrence replied. Everyone started laughing and then she asked her own joke. "What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?"

"A stick." answered Autumn. "Why did the man take is clock to the vet?"

"Because it had ticks." guesses Alderra everyone was giggling even Darcy. Then she asked her joke. "What is faster heat or cold?"

"Heat, because you can catch a cold." states Daphne casually everyone chuckles. Now it was her turn to ask a joke to the rest of them. "Why was the math book always so worried?"

"Because it had so many problems." answers Desertrose. "Which school supply is the King of the classroom?"

"The ruler." answers Sauer. "Which vegetable should you never take on a boat trip?"

"A leek." answers Diletta. "How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered Electricity?"

"He was shocked." Elevate said. "What's a tornado's favorite game to play?"

"Twister." states Espiria. "Why couldn't the pirate play cards?"

"Because he was always on deck." spoke Lilyice. "What's a ghost's favorite food?"

"Boo-berries." Janice answered. "What's witch's favorite makeup?"

"MAS-SCA R Ya!!" Marleen responded and everyone burst out laughing at that instantly. But they soon settled down to here her joke right afterwards. "Why did the robber take a shower?"

"He wanted to make a clean get away." Solette answers. "What did the mayonnaise say when the refrigerator door was opened?"

"Hey! Close the door! I'm dressing!" Anne replies sneakily. "What do you call a shoe made from bananas?"

"A slipper." answered Aquarose. "What did the Apple Tree say to the Farmer?"

"Stop picking on me." Elevate answers immediately. They were all laughing that was a lot of fun telling very hilarious jokes. Darcy smiled she was enjoying herself here among the merriest of the fairies. It felt like a better sweeter home. Alderra brought around apple juice and banana cream pudding to everyone hanging out for the party that night. Soon everyone departed to their rooms once again and a new day would slowly begin Saturday, August 26th, 1995.

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