Return of The Shadow Monsters P3

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Solette knocked on Daphne's dorm room door to her and Dilly's shared room.

"Come in," Daphne called out. Solette pushed open the door. Solette sat in the by Daphne's bed covered in pink sheets.

"I heard you screaming Princess Daphne." spoke Solette. "Why was it a Nightmare?!"

Daphne shook her head and said Daymare pains.
"It was from my sister." Daphne spoke tears streaming down her face. "She fell unconscious, but I know someone hit her with something quite painful and I got the full brunt of it even if we're still miles apart from each other."

"How is possible that family can feel each other's hurt from far away even if they never been able to form properly secure bonding time in the moments of their live compared to best true friends and close friends."

"It depends on how close everyone gets to each other if a bestie is considered an adopted brother or sister to you pain is much worse than what you might be put through indirectly by just a best friend or more close friends—but it will also match up to the family level depending on you."

"Oh, are you okay to help me with some research? It's Magic Dimension Mapology I have a close friend that says she has a past to unlock an ancient past to unlock, but she doesn't know how to get to Domino. Do you think you can help me?" asked Solette.

"Of course of Solette, it's better than sitting here sulking in my sister's pain." says Daphne. Daphne slowly slip out of her bed and ran up to her bookcase by the dorm door behind where Solette was standing.

Daphne read the spines of every book she had about her home planets almost forgotten history. There was a space on the topmost book shelf on the furthest left corner according to Solette. Daphne pulled a red book.

"Here we are this is the mapped out sections and geographic location landmarks for when you are on, Domino how I got off it was by air traffic but it's become even more risky doing that these days as the planet has become as low temperature as it opposite landscape even lower temperature than its opposite landscspe now as Dyamond gets covered in blizzards."

"Does the Great Dragon body still lay underneath the palace and the Serptina Mountain Range behind it?"

"How could he survive that?" asked Solette.

"Dragons are reptiles and some go into hibernation or sleep mode when things get severly cold. Dragons and snakes are more closely linked than either one are to birds. Some snakes will sleep in high altitudes and really frigidly cold bitter climates."

"But why do fairies of Domino Fire and Sun Fire of Solette project a dragon shape of the Great Dragon of the Magix Dimension."

"You just answered your own question while in hibernation like the Water Nymphs of the JL in the Black Mud Swamp as his body is in contact with a sort of ground he can watch us all and the Earth will tell him who needs him to show and so in light fairy magic he astral projects the dragons of a different color to appear in those trusted with the Dragonflame, Solette."

"Come on," Daphne gestured to her. "The best way to get back to Domino is through one of many Emergency Sumpreme Nymphs of Magix Security Tunnels."

"You mean like Wide Interrealm Tunnels that connect Cloudtower, Red Fountain, Alfea Castle Academy and the famed city of Magix?"

"Yes, and no. The Nymph tunnels are riddled with puzzles in order to see such puzzle you must have an eye for curious cleverness." stated Daphne. "The Entrance and exit doors are magical camflouage. They cannot be see by the naked eyes of fairies, witches or Specialist themselves."

They walked out of the dorm and down down the grand staircase in the main entry way of Alfea. Daphne gave Solette the red book she was holding and said. "I'm trusting you Solette with these ways of the Domino realm so they're not completely forgotten, do you understand what I'm saying?"

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