Gardenia Animal Rescue Shelter

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Bloom walked back into the Pizzeria after taking time on a very long phone call with the shelter just down the block. The pizza was cut. And Selina packed some in the a bag. "Take it home to your sweet Mother Bloom, and tell her you helped me make it with your own hands." Bloom gives me an Italian affectionate greeting by kissing twice once on each cheek, and I do the same to her. Roxy was not perplexed in the least by this she had seen multiple interactions like this and her parents this to her every morning and every night.

Bloom threw her arms about Selina and hands her a tip. "For your Mother, Candance to use her Halloween Festivities.
We can get the dog and eat our Pizza in the Gardenia Park." says Bloom. "Roxy what do you think?"

"I'd love this idea, I've never been to the park before." stated Roxy. "And every animal needs to be socialized otherwise they don't make good pets."

Selina sighs. "You girls are so lucky I once looked after an abandoned wild rabbit but when he passed my parents told me there weren't going to anymore pets in my house because all his hopping around knocking over my father's wheel chair and breaking it several times."

"Well, I'm not allowed to get a pet bigger than a rabbit." says Bloom. "Mike my Father has concerns about me around animals. And he really wants me to stick to a hamster as a possibility but since they are kind of nocturnal I'm afraid that being on their wheel might just keep me up all night."

"Why is that you always get frightened by the tiniest noises and yet they seem so loud to you?" Selina questions.

"I never said I was frightened of loud noises, Selina."

Roxy rolls her eyes and says. "Oh boy! Here we go again! Another hot and cold deliberate debate session. You know we should be talking less eating more. We want to get to the G. A. R. S. before it closes up. You two would make two perfect debate partners also for someone."

Roxy showed that she had already cleaned her plate. They looked at her dumbfounded.

"Is it just me or did she just eat as fast as a Cheetah could run?" inquires Selina. Bloom shrugged her shoulders and responds. "I don't know what's happening!"

Bloom was soon finished too, and Selina packed the other half of the pizza slices for Roxy to take home.

Selina easily finished hers, and asked Roxy. "Where did Bloom go?"

"She said she needed to use the facilities." said Roxy. That was one of the terms that is equivalent of what we called bathrooms or restrooms in the United States.

Bloom was unaware that she was using the exact same stall as Selina had earlier.

She looked around it it looked so sparkly tonight.

She rubbed her eyes thinking that they were still seeing things.

"Eugh maybe it's just the lights up above me making me think that the stall is glowing as if moonlight made its way in here." sighs Bloom.

She however didn't waste anytime trying to solve the silver sparkle mystery around her environment. She came out of the stall just as the toilet finished flushing and she went straight to the sinks to wash her hands. Then she met up with Selina and Roxy back in the eating area of the kitchen. She picked up the bag of pizza slices she had left in the kitchen so she could go to the washroom.

"You girls ready?" asked Bloom. Selina jumped a bit.

"You scared her, Bloom." says Roxy with a little bit of a giggle.

"She did not." responds Selina. "But yeah, we're ready let's get to the shelter."

Bloom winks at Roxy and smirks at Selina.

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