The Powers of An Elemental Season P5

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Ginny had brought Ogron out of his nightmares and fears from last night and this morning they went to a small town museum in England that honored all the famous sayings.

"You see that painting it's Thomas Paine of English American person and on the book's parchment there is an important quote everyone should remember. Read it."

Ogron squinted his eyes the cursive writing was so very tiny it was lucky he was able to make out the words so he could speak them. "He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself."

Ogron paused after reading that.

"Allow me to rephrase it in the full context as to which he said it." announces Ginerva Weasley. "An avidity to punishment is always dangerous to liberty. It leads mento stretch, mis interpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself/Thomas Paine, Dissertations on First Principles of Government 1795."

"Do you know that's actually one person in his U. S history that actually stood up for the English Red Coats before the England and the U. S were even at war. Only one president did that without being begged by others to do it, and it almost his family apart. It was just after the Boston tea party incident that the Boston Massacre occur. The British soldiers felt frightened and when the right started they were just defending themselves. John Adams stepped up in court and defended those men when nobody else in their time was and that can be seen recorded in historical movies because it is where his famous quote comes in. "One csnnot deny the factual evidence that is presented and that these men were just defending themselves and that brings to the point of saying facts are stubborn things. You can complain about other issues of other people and ruin their lives, but maybe sometimes the problem isn't them but you and me and not getting a handle on our pridefulness and not being able to swallow it be better than Vlodemort and swallow your pride and help my me help my friends who are the children who came from Muggle families. Leave the Earthfolk alone for your sake and your family's sanity and dignity, please listen to me and Tigerlily, I know you hate fairies but drop your curses for now or you won't have anything left to mark as yours."

Tigerlily stood behind him, and smirked. "Well explained, Lady Weasley. Or should I said Lady Potter?!"

Ogron closed his eyes and revoked his spell immediately over Tir Nan Og.

Bloom jumped up as her phone started ringing in the middle of her sleeping at the fire department.

"Erid! Eugh, no. No, no, no I can't I don't have time for your jokes or games, I'll be busy with my Mom and Dad today it's a freaking Saturday, you're breaking up I can't hear you! Eh, can you stop for 24 hours just be a nagging jerk! You never learn your lesson do you."

She hung up, and heaved a sigh and at least her parents were going to watch the New Moon with her at Gardenia Park. She had no interest in boys yet she wasn't old enough to start dating and anybody. She took a bobby pin and turned her hair into a stylish cute curled bob. She turned her mobile flip phone on silent and buried in it her suitcase along with deleteing Erid's phone number knowing he'd find other ways to call her.

"Are you kidding me?" gasped Darma. "What is up with you and Mitzi and Erid hanging up on each other today?"

"Oh, yeah the teenager doesn't listen to any words that mean no Bloom and I are giving him the cold shoulder." Mitzi said. "Turn that annoying metallica thingy off and ignore him."

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