The Solarian Smirk

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"Princess Eagalia, why is she smirking, little sister?"

"I don't know big brother, I'm not a mind reader." Varanda replies. "Let's go before you regret it!"

"Never! Not going to happen little sister! You and your friend are going to stay here for a long time and think about how much you've done to hurt my feelings."

August 19, 1995

Albern had taken up Eagalia's demand and read up on the first knights of the Solarian guard.

Just as the Starlight gram message video came up at the emergency. It was addressed to Daphne.

"Daphne I need you please come Nightforest Varanda and I got ourselves into a bit of a situation with her brother and his wife a major league evil witch! I know you can beat her even without the dragonflame since you have your Enchantix powers now and especially since you fought against Valtor and the Ancestral Witches."
"Daphne!" Albern called. "Eagalia called for your aid they're out of Solarium and its not good Mercury abducted them."

"That slimeball," said Solette. "I knew I smelled something fishy about him earlier. You need help Daphne let us come with you."

Solette's civilian form up above

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Solette's civilian form up above.

Solette's civilian form up above

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Daphne's Civilian form up above.

"No. Eagalia adressed me specifically you two can help Albert get Solette to Callisto and tell the King to restrict his son's powers. I'm finding those young Princesses on my own. Your planet needs you further in the future you have to play your every move smartly. I can handle a fight Mercury doesn't even realize what is about to hit him is full force of the Elemental Dance Storms. Most people don't realize I'm even alive anymore. Magix and Solaria people are the first to know I survived. Calisto will be the next realm to know I'm alive still and I don't like big boy mean bullies." Daphne instructs. "Listen to me you're still both amateurs so do as your told get help from the King of Callisto."

"She's right you barely know how to control your energies and I can barely hold a shield." Albern replies. "The only place you can lend help is with the King of Callisto on the realm of Callisto. I will get you there quickly."

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