Absolutely Not Yet

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I don't own Winx. I do not own Harry Potter storylines but I do own my own crisscossing plots so yes there is a crossover in this book. And actually there will be many this one is inspired by movie tv  trivia about how Valtor's attack on Alfea was so similar to Vlodemort's attack on Hogwarts in the movies. What is so funny though is that the Winx show of Valtor's attack was filmed first so in this AU Of Magical Stories Valtor is older than Vlodemort and therefore possibly responsible for leading on Tom Riddle in his bad deeds by training him in some Dark Magic skills.)

August 19, 1995

"I don't understand why we haven't gotten back at those fairies they attacked ome of our one," Anagan said. "They deserve it and I can't wait to beat up Nebula while I'm at it."

"If Dumant couldn't stand her Electric Storm Rays what makes you think you can? I'm the only capable of standing in her way. But why are you slow about standing up to them cousin?"

"This. These creatures the Dementors only Gantlos could probably stand against them without a wand given that his heart is practically made of ice. " Ogron responds. "And I doubt any of you want a recap of our horrid lives."

"Is there another side to Earth?" asked Dumant surprised.

"In my experience there are too many other sides to Earth but yes there is one more magical than what we have here and it's called The Wizarding World and right now it's under threat and that's bad news for us."

"Why is this a problem?" Anagan inquired.

"Because this rising evil is one who was trained by Valtor." answered Ogron. "In that world those frightened of this sorcerer call him He Who Must Not Be Named. But I'm not afraid of someone who choose such a stupid name to be his title. Lord Vlodemort doesn't scare me a bit. Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."

"Why are you concerned about this guy?"

"Because he's as IMPRUDENT and AMBITIOUS as Valtor was!"
bellowed Ogron. "And I can sense him night after night after night for all of last year. And I still sense him, Gantlos. And I have sensed him for 8 straight months. I heard a 15 year old boy in searching his mind for a little sliver of happiness and then I saw a couple of Phoenix feathers fall on the ground at night on August 2 of this year 1995. It happened in England in Surrey a wizard boy was attacked by Dark creatures. That's just three countries by sea around the corner from us happening in the real world of the Earth. Something is bugging me to aid in this fight it's like the Phoenix the sister creature to the Great Dragon  is calling my name to help with this wizarding war."

"Well, if he says this is this close of a threat to us," states Dumant

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"Well, if he says this is this close of a threat to us," states Dumant. "We should help the ones fighting it. Earth's the only home we've got the Magic Dimension still recognizes us as villains and the humans don't know about us."

"I hardly see the point." says Anagan.

"I actually do this is the exact same concept we discussed when we cursed Valtor to fail the first time. How is this any different? We need to get into contact with the Wizarding World wizards who are truly protecting their world." Gantlos spoke. "And I have just the idea how to contact those wizards."

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