Nymph of the Elements

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Daphne's Spells:
Enchanted Flames' Sphere
Wild Fire Energy
Wild Flames' Essence
Power of Wild Fire
Wild Flame Fury
Fire Flame Fusion
Full Fire Energy
Flames' sphere
Firebreath of the Elements
Flame Rays
Fire Arrow

Air collider (Daphne has air powers as an elemental fairy, water, earth, and fire powers too).
Earth Crush
Earth Healos
Earth Part
Earth Flames Release (Refers to Geysers and volcano steam and how she can actually calm them down)
Reverse Fire.
Fire Repel
Flame Orb (protective heat resistant barrier like Bloom's Dragon Orb in Season 4)
Fire blast
Flame shield
Enchantix Firebeam
Enchantix Flame Burst
Showers of Firebolts
Ball of Firelight
Ring of Fairy Dust
Sea of Wildfire
Flame Lasso
Earth Tornado (Earth and Air)
Earth Flamenado (Fire and Earth)
Waterair Hurricane (Water and Air)
Flamerain (Fire and Water)
Fire Energy Discharge
Firelight Radiance
Flame Rockets
Magic Union of the Fires
Protective Flame Energy Barricading Shield
Active Fireair Shield
Endurable Ivy Wraps
Nature Reverse
Constricting Vines
Energy of Mother Nature
Thorn rays
Bursting Ivy
Return to Nature
Earthwind Nature Calm
Growing Ivy
Winding Runners
Winding Ivy

Enchanted Water Pressure Shield
Water Barricade
Water Spikes
Waves Morphix Surf
Tidal Waves
Tsunami Clash
Magic Rivers
Plasmatic Water Spheres (Boiling Superhyper hot spacewater)

"Needleblasts!" Daphne conjures at Solette who quickly dodged one of them.

"Sun sphere!" She shot at the second one and then pulled up a Sunfire shield. "Sunfire shield to stop the third one."

"Watertide!" Daphne conjures it knocked her opponent out of the air at once. Solette retaliated. "Solar Windstorm!"

"Constricting Vines!" Daphne was absolutely unaffected by this attack. "Too slow!"

The ground became to allow Nature to rise!" Daphne stated. "You really should look out for your kin, Solette it is every duty of every fairy to look out for their sisters under the shining sun."

Solette gasped as she felt a sharp pain run through her head as the vines grabbed the other fairies that weren't fighting her now. This was so unlike Daphne's record she was kind of being a witch like Griffin at this very moment in her time of life. But what was so necessary about the way she behaved towards those fairies.


Daphne staggered back. It was not Solette who summoned that sun powers. Daphne caught the attack though and smiled as she absorbed the fire part of it and threw it back at the fairy who responds. "Sunshine absorbed!"

"What's your name little voluntary fairy?"

"Anpao, and I know you're doing this because you have seen enemies who don't play fairy and that's what you're not playing fair either."

"Smart girl." says Daphne. "You have seen real horrors in your past haven't you? Fire vision!"

Daphne met her eyes delving into the darkest depths of the flame vision she developed. Anpao

"Flames' spheres!" Daphne summoned and sent right towards her and the older fairy warns the younglings. "Never get cocky during a fight you must always be able to keep your head concentrating. One distraction and you will lose a battle for your entire realm and teammates."

Anpao didn't see the fire spheres headed right for her they were so strong she got thrown into a Giant Sunflower blossom and it shriveled at part of Daphne's fire powers.

Anpao looks up but she didn't see Solaria anymore. She saw her home she walked out. Daphne's words were repeated by her Mother standing over her. "You must be patient observe. You can't be so cocky it's not the way to live your life period."

"No one ever did anything great by playing it safe!" I yelled back.

Her father reprimanded her and stated. "But they took time to be patient even though they felt like failures because of everyone around them."

"All you do is nag me."

"Anpao it's not nagging think of it as caring." said her sister Aruna bright red hair from the Solaria dawn itself a matching shade.

"You're all nuts! And why would I listen to the favorite child of the family. I'm leaving."

"Ingrate!" shouts the Mother. "If you don't want to be a patient daughter and be patiently awaiting our success get out and find your own work on your own. You can't live here anymore."

"Fine! I'm leaving I can't stand this stupid household anymore and your dumb one sided virtues. And your ugly favoritism when I haven't even asked for as many of the things Aruna does and she is not even your daughter at all." Anpao covered her mouth when she heard what the Firesight showed.

She was in tears and the recap didn't stop there it went on but we'll get back to this later soon enough.

"Illusions are tools used by opponents witches and wizards but truth is also an even more deadly secret weapon especially when your friends on your team don't hear something that they don't know about you because you never told them it can bring a teammate off their wings, on their knees and joining the other side. You girls know of whom I speak who ruined the legacy of Fairies." Daphne informs the younger fairies very immediately.

"The Champion Fairies of Alfea Academy." stammers a fairy.

"Lady Daisy, you know about them and their story what are their names and what did they do wrong?" Daphne asked glaring down at her.

"Shavon of the Water, Ress of the Flame and Farcelia of the Wind and they refused to bond with the pixies."

"And what else?" inquires Daphne of her further.

"They didn't dare perform Convergence when taught, ma'am."

"Correct," said Daphne. "And there have been recent reports of people getting attacked by them innocent families who don't even who they are and spread the hate of our kind everywhere they go. If today you had been facing even those fairies not one of you would stand a chance. But be grateful you're not standing cowering before those three."

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