The Magic Sister Princesses

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"Welcome, Flora, Selena, Roger, Fiona, Pebbla and Shorela." stated Princess Valoria.

"I apologize for my sudden re transformations these metamorphs are hardly easy to control." said Fiona as she sat at the table, her eyes watery as Flora frowned. This woman once destroyed her people the kind of people who raised her, and took care of her all these years. Fiona felt the hard glance from Flora.

"Flora, please understand, none of the Nature fairies I killed came from Lulea or Lynphea realms." Fiona pressed onward.

"Oh yeah, how would you know that?" asked Flora jumping up from her chair angrily not even touching the food. She walked away from the banquet hall. Fiona's daughter Pebbla stood up to run after her. Fiona shook her head and said, "Don't force her, Pebbla, nobody gets anywhere by forcing anyone to trust anybody."

"Stay here, Pebbla, if anyone should go, it's my sister Valoria who should go." stated Princess Agnes. "She understands the basic values of respect, my friends."

Agnes' picture below

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"Agnes is right." said Valoria. "I will talk to my Nature guest."

Valoria excused herself from the table and found Flora sitting in front of a Rosebush staring at its lush leaves, tears rolling out her eyes dropping onto its leaves which uncurled since several months of fungal attacks. Valoria sat down next to Flora in her pretty white blue gown of sleek build and length. Only her sleeves were fairly fancy.

"What do you want?" asked Flora bitterly.

"To tell you a story about how your Mother taught me the value of respect for others is so very important, Flora." informed Valoria. Flora's eyes went wide open at that statement.

So Princess Valoria seeing she had gotten Flora's attention she began the story. "Long before the Great Fire began and awhile before your Mother had you I was in the town square garden crying when she saw me in a torn gown because my tail would rip it! And someone had just happened to cast aside a tattered robe and wooden spoon on the garden soil. She picked them up and said, "Princess Horndale, this should suit you. There's room for your horns to not poke through this hood and your tail should be able to fit through that hole. And this wooden spoon can be your defensive measure so people know how to tolerate you and give you more respect.

"I doubt I will have respect of the village even my Mother has lack of respect from the villagers ever since she became the Queen who ate Magic Flowers and bore me as one of the Princess Twins."

"Those people are stupid and don't realize that respect is just as powerful as love could be." sighs the young lady deep chocolate brown hair and black eyes.

"How is that possible, Lady Floreena?" I asked her.

"Well, my great grandmother told me this story as a child every night just before bed. Two brothers. They were identical twins adopted together and raised by a well off family. And then the Parents knew the time was to say goodbye to their sons, pass on their inheritance equally and their Mother Luleena warned and then asked her sons. "My beautiful handsome boys, do be careful while you go learn your trades and don't spend your money wastefully. It's the last you have. We won't be here anymore to back you up with finance issues. Please whatever you do stick together and protect one another in every given situation that you must even in one another's marriages, understand. And so I know you understand please promise me you will not ever harm one another right now."

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