The Point of Volunteering P4

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"I'll help you with the Mopping," said Stormy as she had finished sweeping the foyer entry hall of the Snow Magix Café."

Icy shook her head and knew exactly what Stormy wanted to do.

"Stormy are you crazy?! No dancing in public!" groans Icy. "You're not ready the crowd will just laugh at you."

"She needs to practice if a band is ever gonna hire her." says Darcy. "Give her a break I actually like Stormy's dances."

Icy glared at her other sister sharply and inquired. "You didn't just say what I thought you just said come off your tongue. She can't be dancing when she is waiting tables cause she will lose focus and spill everything. Give me the mop and the bucket. I'll do the mop. Help Darcy with the booth seats and their dusting."

"Eurgh! Icy I can't ever do anything right around you can I?" inquired Stormy.
"Stormy let me make one thing stormy clear you are no Multitasker!"

"Because you never let me try, sis!" Stormy whimpered.

"Until I see you perform two tasks at once like a perfect professional you will leave the multi tasking to private business areas not public places. I don't want to see you get humiliated again."

"That was accident, Icy!" mumbled Stormy. "You don't have to baby me like Mom did!"

"Don't mention Mother, STORMY!" thunders Icy.

Meanwhile in Gardenia Italy First Day as an near eighth grader began for Bloom and Selina. Bloom was up and about immediately.

"Hmm yumm, smells good Mom, what's for breakfast?" inquired Bloom.

"Sunny Side Up Eggs in A Flowerring Pepper, Bloom. I know this is one of your favorites."

"Boy that fire was a harsh one," said Candance.

"You can said that again Deputy Fire Chief Perone." Firechief Fiamma responds.

"Yeah that was a really hot blaze," spoke Mike. "Glad we didn't waste much more time and the building could have collasped on those girls."

"You are Mr. Peters right, Miss Carmelo and Mrs. Carmelo say you know them?" questioned Detective Evans. "My Father once to clarify if that's true."

"Yes, it most certainly is true." Mike replied. "If you want I can direct your Father to Dr. Carmelo's house. Mr. Giniro can swing by pick me up from their home later."

"That would be much appreciated, Mr. Peters, I would like to give the news of his wife and daughter having been held captive is personal news best delivered by myself." Sheriff Bennett Evans. "Daughter you and your partner get back to the department and have our analysis run that blood sample we found one of the kidnappers."

So as the ambulance delivered Carmen and her Mother Carmel to the hospital, Mike went along with the police officer to Dr. Carmelo's home.

The Sheriff went up with Mr. Peters.

They knocked upon the door.

"Um, hello," Dr. Carmelo greeted as he answered the door.

"Salve, sono lo Sceriffo Bennett Evans del dipartimento di Polizia di Gardenia, Mr. Carmelo. We found the rest of your family and I would like to inform you they've been sent to the hospital for a full health status. Hai capito?"

"Yes, I do understand." said Dr. Carmelo. "Brother! Come quick we need to visit the hospital."

Dr. Carmelo's brother came down the steps.

The sheriff gave them a ride to the hospital and Mike waited for Mr. Giniro.

"Come on, Mike I have to get Candance home too." speaks his best friend from the back of the pickup truck.

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