Metamorphosis Magic Training P4

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Professor Wizgis's Pov
The Holographic image (top image of this said chapter) is an image of the Magix Vegas Golden Fairyfly. And the smallest insect. I think it's time we worked our power of imagination and transform into something other than ourselves."

"Ew." groaned multiple students.

"I hate insects."

"Oh come on it's not as bad as slugs." Timber replied.

"She's got a point." Autumnrose replied.

"Eaay for you to say you're both nature fairies."

"Elevate, stop that that is not nice."

"I'm just stating the fact Nature fairies are so in love with insects and the other creepy crawlies of this universe. I really wish the planet realms didn't have any stupid flying bugs, Purley. And I wish Nature fairies could at least once let some else be a grade digger."

"Hey, Elevate I resent that." Alderra snapped.

"I do too!" defended Torrance. "Every creature has a place in this Magical Universe."

Timber stood up too, and defended them. "I resent that too. Do you realize how much stink we'd have from meat rotting out in the wilderness if we didn't have flies and the stink from rotting wood that came from fall trees but never burned never disappeared unless ants or termites practically consumed it? Fungus can't do all the decomposing of forest by themselves. And not to mention the dung beetles that eat animal scat that is piled up high from many prairie savannaj animals one of which can weigh from 250 (Elephant cafe weight at birth) pounds to even more. Elephants and Rhinoceros leave tons and tons as much poop as the same amount of food they eat in a day. So zip your lips, okay?"

Anne's Poc
Wow! That was a turn around. I can't believe it a mean girl actually turned around with her comrade and defended my friend and Solette's friends too.

"She is absolutely right every creature beast or person has a role to play, a purpose to presume, and even in the smallest creatures are of the utmost importance in keeping the balance of harm. Don't find yourself under the serrated blade of a pendulumn, Elevate." Solette spoke. Wow, she's ominious. But she's our omnious sunfairy, but what was going on with the spell earlier called Quantum Attack"? I had never seen a fairy do that before.

"Your classmates are quite right," Wizgis informed. "Without the insects in many places we live today we live today as they'd be considered inhospitable, disgusting, stinky, rotten, inadequate, deficient and totally inferior especially to you considering you come from one the most well doing cities upon the Callisto Realm, I believe it was called Vallisto second most expensive place to live besides the city besides the palace, isn't Fairy of Medallions? But then again Mechanical realm fairies will not understand nature as well as the Nature fairies always do. This doesn't just apply to the Callisto realm but to the Zenith realm as well. Dilly, would you like to improve your connection to Nature?"

"Yes, I would." She answered. She walked forward to the front of the class she concentrated and transformed into a Fairyfly up top of the page is her appearance of the animal.

The whole class clapped. Elevate sat there on her desk seat still refusing to participate in the exercise.

"This transformation will last 10 more days on her, ladies. We'll see what she learns when she returns to her original form in ten days." Wizgis informed. Well he could have said that earlier. But uh I wouldn't mind being that beautiful creature for ten days.

"Tomorrow our next transformation to try is the Scarlet Dwarf Dragonfly, but I'm not telling anybody what it looks like. Class is dismissed continuing taking care of your Xalia plants and I will be checking them over on Friday two days from now okay."

"Looks like Domino's Princess wasn't in class today," stated Elevate whipping her brunette hair along.

"That's not nice she's trying to solve a delicate issue about Darkar and his creatures." Asherra responds. "It's obvious Faragonda gave her a note for her to research even more things about the Darkar night."

"Eurgh!" Alderra said. "Wish I could meet her parents and tell them how much of a snob' she still is but Nature Fairies aren't allowed on Callisto realm."

"That's stupid." said Desertrose.

"Yea, with their mercury shower issue nature fairies are the only ones who can fix it." said Asherra.

"She's right it's stupid." Anne replied.

"That's just bad reasoning by the King and Queen." I piped in.

"It wasn't a law written by the King or Queen of today it was written by their Royal Councilors unfortunately, Solette, Anne, Desertrose and Alderra." Asherra informs us immediately.

Far far away three rings up and above and three planets back was the Callisto realm. Ambrosia with her blonde red hair and her grey eyes. She wore a European style village dress much like Princess Annalise or Lady Erika from the Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper. She wore a similar tiara to Princess Annalise's crown as well.

She walked with discerning elegance along the stiff and dusty palace hallways themselves. She opened the door just before the ballroom on the left she was nervous council meetings were very rough here.

The Heraldess announced her herself. "My lords and ladies of the court, I present to you Crown Princess Ambrosia acting Princess of the Palace."

They rose and went to put their backs straight up against the wall to let me through to the back of the room till she sat down at left chair at the head of our discussing table. As I passed them two by two on either side of me they bowed or curtsied to their Princess very easily. But the thing was that her dress was black as people were mourning in her town and that was a rule to wear black when in mourning time. Her royal attire below

"Pretty isn't it, my dear Joylights?"

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"Pretty isn't it, my dear Joylights?"

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