The Vow, the Oath and Promise

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"Cornrow seems like the normal type of Wicked Witch stereotype, jumping conclusions saying she's right even when she was wrong, Stormy doesn't seem to hate you, she loves you, if I had a sister like her I would be so proud to have in my life."

"Stormy looked for me and helped because it was what our Mother made us promise to look after each other and protect each other, Anne."

Darcy extended her arm in the darkness the snake she had saved from Elegant crawled up it, and Darcy smirked. "This is Chilled, and he's a Dyamond Wolverine Garter Snake. This is my animal now the form that my magic takes shape in. They're commonly found following our white Wolverines nursing females have a symbiotic relationship with them. The snakes keep the mammal's parasites and insects in their dens to a minimum they're blind and do not see anything of the outside world, Anne."

"You did it you found your animal in your magic, now let's rejoin the others, Darcy. This is where your next steps of training begin contending with your phobias to conquer them." Anne says embracing her. They followed the path they took and saw Desertrose blink.

"If you're wondering how I knew you had finished, I have a thing for listening with my ears like snakes feel vibrations through their tongue. Snakes have been one of my favorite animals." Desertrose replies. "But I have never seen a blind cold climate conditioned Dyamond Wolverine Garter Snake before. He is elegantly gorgeous."

"They're kind of endangered on our home people don't like that it is a-shame really." sighed Darcy. "The Parasites from Wolverine interactions has increased and it's still increasing. That's one thing about Dyamond I do know that the Shaman Witch doesn't won't and possibly even can't maintain the ecosystem. There may not be much to fight for by the time we are actually ready. But I won't let the rest of the Magical Dimension's worlds meet the same grimey fate she is putting Dyamond through."

Eagalia's flashback dream
Remember the park my Daddy took me to when it was Nautical Twilight I left the cabin bear spray on my belt and called out to him. "Daddy?! Daddy?! This isn't funny! Please tell me you're joking."

There was no response not even Come or Eagalia or Daughter over here. But there were footprints someone had gone deep into the caves. She walked into the caves bracing herself with the darkness. She could see the basics and life in caves. As her feet tapped the stairs of rock a shallow sound echoed and the cave glowed blue. Little larvae on the cave ceilings grew up as she approached. She knew it was a Glowworm a body no bigger than that the space between two regular fingers. It was grey up close and personal yellow orange triangular markings about the body. The female take up four of your hands but her glow went hunting for food or mating she is undeniabley hard to mistake. Dangling thread like tapestry substance hanging from the cave ceiling is their way to catch most of their prey to eat and finish their growth. The male became the size of a regular small beetle and flew off to a mossy covered rock where it began to eat away at a partially aquatic snail. A female glowworm ate a slug lost in the darkness of the cave. A growling snarl emerged from the opening of the young boar ignored me and tipped the rock over and began gobbling snails. The beetle flew and landed on my shoulders purring sounds similar vibration to lulling of a cat's meow came from his wings over his exoskeleton which was shiny light brown.

"Hey, Brownie, that tickles." Eagalia laughs a little. "Did you see my Father pass through this way?" You'd probably think one is ridiculous to be talking to beetles, but my Mother talks to her Orchids.

"Moonsphere!" Stella's younger twin sister conjures. The beetle chased it and ate it.

"You like my Moonspheres don't you." Eagalia chuckles. "Moon magic of mine is getting steadily stronger much stronger than my Sun magic." She ran after the beetle slipping into a pool of water. A turtle appeared out of the water underneath her a Yellow Sea Turtle with a bright yellow hard shell. She could see it chomp on a snail.

"Huh?" The beetle stayed on the turtle's back.

"Never thought so much Circle of Life existed deep down in the dark, and its paths are just as beautiful as ours." Eagalia commented. The beetle buzzes at her.

"Brownie, you know you can't court me I am a fairy girl not a beetle," giggles Eagalia. "But I do love seeing your green glow. Mellon, can you can take me to where my Father went?"

She leaned towards the turtle's head talking to it. She may be the daughter of the King of Solaria and male heir of their Sunmagics and she was indeed the daughter of Luna Queen of the Moonlight but Stella had gained immense sunlight and starlight powers while Eagalia had immense Moonlight and Starlight powers she only had a faint connection to her Father's powers.  This was one reason Eagalia believed her sister probably wasn't dead.

Carp jumped in and out of the waves a tiny hammerhead shark clamped its mouth over one of the fishes tails shaking it about, and grabbing a snack. Eagalia smiled in her flashback ducks were plucking away at aquatic plants. The turtle flipped over in the water to shake off all the barnacles. Whoa, two eagles dove right into the water next to her, and did something peculiar they started to copy our human swimmers' breaststroke ability. Stella's twin sister did exactly the movements with her arms as the Solarian Golden Eagles did with their extensive long wings! She reached the shower with them and hugged them both. The eagles nuzzle each other revealing they're a mated pair for life.

She followed a molting chicks trail to find her Father finished wilting an oar for their canoe ride.

"If we're to go canoeing and you fall overboard you need to know how to swim my little Moonstar, Princess Eagalia. The Eagles are the only birds who know how to breaststroke similarly to people.

"I love this place, it's gorgeous the animals were so friendly very respectful as if they knew I am the heir who is willing to watch over them." sighs Eagalia. "I'm ready for our canoe ride."

"Great because we're going into the Royal Deeps of the Solaria oceans, Eagalia." Radius said. "It's time you see a fantastic sight of our world with your own awe struck little eyes."

He helped me into the boat handed me the oar he finished wilting and go into the boat in the seat in front of me and began rowing backwards. Dolphins spray water over us and squeaked away. Salmon jumped through the waves. The little Brown Glowworm beetle came back and perched on my shoulder.

I conjured another Moonsphere for him.

"Glowworm Beetles have Light Telekinesis on Solaria, Eagalia he's moving your Moonspheres inside of him and storing the energy for a Rainy Day." Radius informed me.

"Huh? But why? Rainy Days don't happen on Solaria snow does up in the mountainous regions but never cool Rains. I don't think I even know what a raindrop is, Father."

"Few people on Solaria have ever seen Raindrops, Princess Eagalia." Radius says. "But Solaria's vast water source has to come from somewhere otherwise the oceans here would dry up, daughter."

"Eagalia, wake up." Goldenrod shook her. She opened her eyes and yawned loudly.

"Really, they should have called you Princess Sleepypants!" She teased her. Garnet gave her a cold glare.

"She's just kidding, she is trying to correct her mistaken witch behavior her sister made everyone think she has, Eagalia." Garnet consoles, "But either way you need to get out of those pjs we have Historology of Rainology Spell Creation Class today and it's starting in no more a less an hour from now. This is something we don't want to miss it helps us respect our realm and they'll have the Rain Contests, Competitions and a Rain Ball with talent performances the parents come watch. It's one of the most spectacular parties of our up and coming years, Eagalia. I'd wear something in class today that you wouldn't mind if it got any wetter than usual. There's going to be lots of splashing, Princess of Solaria. Can I help you pick your outfit pretty please with a cherry on top!"

"Oh, fine, Garnet, you can help choose what to wear." Eagalia agreed smiling. Goldenrod shook her head and groaned muttering. "Don't be so naive or gullible it's unbecoming of a Princess especially one of Solaria Eagalia. It's so unwise."

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