A Love Poem for Darcy

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Fair skin mixed to mimic a famous Dyamond Snow Peach Tree
Golden starlight filled eyes glimpse the speckled smooth sight, but she shrinks and covers it all in vain in dark shroud of violet sleeves.
She thinks I do not know how she doesn't believe is a fairy lady Princess
Daughter and Ancestor of Witches a plenty
But she is understanding, kind, and pure
Like golden stardust shimmering in her eyes
Which can be no more compared to gold than sunlight herself.
When will she noticed I have feelings of love for her I have no words to describe?
She is the beauty of the woods at night through her love of purple, brown and black colors.
Colors often discarded and hated but she smiles overjoyed when something combines those three colors
Feeling like it represents how detached from outsiders.
Lonely and rejected I see it her mixed complexion that only just barely represent Caucasian roots in her face.

She shakes her wet dark majorly brown hair after a dip in an ice bath the water ripples down bubbling like the bottom bread of Grilled cheese Sandwiches
The cheese golden and fried compliment and match the colors of her golden blonde bangs that barely shown against her face beautiful she was always to me.
In full the beautiful bigger picture of my favorite things,
The smell of Night Violet flowers,
The warmness of a cloak or cape
What it means to be able to wrap someone cold up in it.
The sentimental memories of her ever wishing to hold hands,
A touch away from discovering we both loved the taste of Grilled Cheese and Ice Cream Sundaes combined altogether.
This how you will know when we truly love each other
-L__ __ __?!

Fill in the blanks. Who is talking about Darcy in this sweetly romantic love poem? You've heard his name. He's been mentioned a few times......... Can you spell out the rest of his name for me all on your own? Write it below in the comments for me guys.

"What is that parchment, Darcy?" inquires Anne as she watched the Shadow Witch unwrap the parchment paper she clutched in her hands. This parchment held the message you just saw above a love poem for her.

"Solette gave it to me yesterday night, it's not signed though except for the letter L and I don't know what that means," said Darcy.

"I think you actually do know what it means and who actually signed that, Darcy." states Anne.

"You think?" Darcy questioned back. Anne smirked at her. Darcy was afraid of what might appear to her in the Mirror of Fear in the Twisted Caverns. She stood in front of them. And unexpected two people appeared in front of the fairies.

"Ikla, look does she honestly think a witch of shadows and loving all things darkly will be able to win a boy's love?"
inquired Kalissa chuckled coldly.

"You said it, big sister. Her line is full of ancient witches witches who became corrupted she will be no different, Kalissa." Ikla evilly replied with an evil glare turnt towards Darcy."

"Stay away from my best friend's sister, Diamond Crystalbreath." Roselight stepped in front of Darcy hearing all they were saying.

"Look at you, still being Miss Goody Two Shoes," exclaimed Kalissa. Roselight smirked placed her hands on her hips and smartly stated, "Don't you wish being Miss Goody Two Shoes was your role? There's so much world and universe out there that means there's plenty room for all of us."

"Yep, maybe but there's no way we will ever trust freaky witches descendants and possible granddaughters of the Ancestral Witches like you or Faragonda." Ikla snarled. Darcy stood up and defended herself. "We may be descendants of the Ancestral Witches but we're much stronger than the dark shrouded ghosts of past, leave us alone before you really live your terror my Ancestors have not defined me they ruined my Mother Domino was her salvation."

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