Winter Blossoms

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A short headcanon featuring Yuuji and Sukuna being cute.

Ryoumen Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji


Kenjaku, who was sitted seiza style on the engawa with his servant, Mahito, standing behind him, hummed around the steaming cup of tea as he drown himself in the joyful giggling of one of his precious son, Yuuji.

He sighed in happiness as the tea soothed his soul, providing inner warmth in the cold the winter provided - a cold he still felt even though he was dressed in layers of kimonos.

The man watched with keen eyes as his sons played on the snow, chasing each other and throwing snow balls at each other. He chuckled in amusement when Yuuji tripped all on his own and face planted into the snow. Sukuna, being Sukuna, just laughed at his twin's clumsiness.

Kenjaku watched with a fond smile as his eldest helped his younger brother up and proceeded in cleaning the snow off of him - with Yuuji pouting cutely all the way.

Sukuna patted Yuuji's head,  a fond look on his face, and said something that made Yuuji beam up in happiness, his head bobbing fast as his lips moved.

Sukuna grabbed hold of Yuuji's hand in his before the two made their way over to where Kenjaku was sitted.

"Oi, old man." Sukuna called out to Kenjaku, his eyes bored and his face impassive as he addressed his father. Kenjaku just cocked an amused brow and Sukuna took that as a sign for him to go ahead and say what was on his mind. "The brat and I-"

"Hey~!" Yuuji whined out, but Sukuna just ignored him and continued speaking.

"-want to take a small stroll outside to see the winter blooms not afar off from the compound."

"I take it you've already decided you're going, with or without my permission." Kenjaku hummed in amusement, his lips tilted in a small smile.

"And I'll look after Suku nii!" Yuuji raised his other hand up and cheerfully said.

Sukuna grunted again. Without further ado, he started walking away, taking Yuuji with him.

"Ja ne, Tou san!" Yuuji cheerfully waved goodbye.

Kenjaku cheerfully waved back, a large smile on his lips and his eyes closed. 

When the two reached the large gate leading out of the small compound, Yuuji paused in his steps, getting Sukuna to halt as well and he turned around to face his younger brother.

"Suku nii's scarf is kinda crooked." Yuuji loosened Sukuna's scarf and wrapped it around his neck perfectly. The older of the two just stood there, a fond expression on his face. "There! All done!" Yuuji beamed.

Sukuna leaned forward and took his brother's lips, kissing him chastely.

Yuuji blinked owlishy at first before he closed his eyes and returned Sukuna's kiss.

Both twins held each other's hands, interlocking their fingers together.

Sukuna moved back and Yuuji finally opened his eyes. He grinned brightly at Sukuna, who gave him a little fond smile in return.

"Let's go." 

"Hm!" Yuuji nodded happily, squeezing Sukuna's fingers.

Hand in hand, the two slowly walked over to the destination, Yuuji babbling away and Sukuna giving grunts and hums in reply.

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