Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov

It was around noon and I was setting up my supplies to go and catch paranormal activity with Emma (sorry if Emma isn't a friend you can change it if you want.) Emma was packing up the k2 and video supplies while I packed up the spirit box, rods, and other equipment.

"Are we almost ready to leave?" Emma whined.

"Yep let's go." I replied, sliding the backpack onto my back.

Walking out of my house I shut the front door locking it. Emma and I bounced down the dirt road to town since neither of us were comfortable driving. We began seeing the small lights from the street lights that were maybe 20ft away.

"Wait, I forgot to ask, did you get permission yet?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, we got the keys, we're all set." I answered "anyways we're here."

We walked up to the old radio studio and I pulled out the keys the owner gave me.

"Ready?" I asked Emma who was pulling out the video supplies from her backpack.

She nodded and I unlocked the door and opened the door. I turned on my flashlight to find a light switch. Walking up to the light switch I flipped it on and squinted my eyes to adjust to the brightness. I looked around the studio seeing the old radio equipment, records, and newspaper clippings. I walked up to the desk, setting my backpack down as I began to pull out the paranormal equipment. Emma approached to my side with the camera as she handed it out to me and I took it, she then set up the laptop. Turning on the camera I turned it towards me as I prepared for the live stream.

"Hello my paranormal children we are going to wait a few minutes for everyone to join and for me and my good friend Emma to set up the equipment." I started staring at the laptop's chat feeling with hi and hellos.

We began to introduce ourselves and the equipment we were using. Then we took a tour of the studio to get our bearings of the place. We made our way back to the equipment and began with the k2. We walked around the studio and got nothing until we were in the recording booth. Walking through it would always spike near an old 1930s radio. Thinking it was a coincidence we overlooked it and continued looking.

"So we only got one spike in the booth so should we try a spirit box there?" I asked Emma.

"Yeah that seems like a good start." Emma replied.

We walked into the booth with the radio and sat down on the floor. I set out the spirit box and turned it on but nothing happened.

"Huh it won't turn on." I thought aloud.

I flipped it over taking out the batteries when a loud buzz of white static filled the room. Emma jumped in shock as I turned to see the radio had turned on. I quickly stood up and moved farther away as the static became louder and you could hear faint screams coming from it. My first thought was that it was rigged and there was audio that randomly happened. I rolled my eyes and walked towards it picking it up when a shock came through my hand. I yelped in pain, dropping it and causing it to shatter into pieces. I jumped forward trying to catch it, so if it did have an attachment I wouldn't be the next object the spirit attached to because I broke it. I watched in slow motion as the radio laid on the ground broken in half.

"Well I've probably got an at-" Before I could finish my sentence a burst of smoke came from the radio.

Emma rushed to the radio as I was laid on the ground and shook from the sudden smoke.

"Y/n the camera isn't working." She stated.

"Why not." I asked as more smoke began coming from the radio but there was no fire.

I stood up and took steps back when a loud laugh came from the smoke and a slim silhouette appeared in the smoke. I stumbled backwards falling when two crimson eyes and a yellow Cheshire smile appeared in the smoke. The smoke began clearing revealing a tall thin man with red hair and black ends and deer-like ears, he also had two small deer antlers. His skin was pale gray and he had a red suit with a microphone staph. The demon-like man looked down at the broken radio as I stared at him in interest. I felt Emma grab my arm and the fearful look on her face as she moved towards the door. I nodded and stood up slowly walking towards the exit. We made it to the door when the door slammed shut and a clicking sound from its locking sounded through the room.

"Now it's quite rude for someone to leave somewhere without excusing themselves." A staticky voice said.

Me and Emma stood frozen in fear, before turning around slowly. We looked at him and he was staring at the broken radio. He looked up and a heavy static settled in the room. The demon rushed towards me letting out a growl.

"Which one of you broke my radio?" He asked, his voice distorted from the static.

I gulped as I stared into the radio dial he now had instead of crimson red pupils. We stood there before I opened my mouth to tell him I did until I heard a creak of a floor boarded. The demon's head snapped towards the noise. Looking over I saw Emma trying to leave but stepped on an old floorboard. The demon rushed towards her with a sadistic smile before grabbing her by the neck.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked, his voice still distorted.

"W-Wait.. I didn't do anything... she was the one who broke your radio." She choked out.



Hello my water drops. The first chapter of this new book is officially done. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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