Chapter 65

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He nodded running off into the store with a happy smile as his eyes lite up with every clothing style he liked.

Al's pov

I ran around the store there where many interesting styles each different and unique in it's own way. I came back to my lover a hand full of clothes on each arm and a wide smile.

"Back so soon?" She asked to which I nodded eagerly.

She laughed looking at all the clothes humming slightly, I tried on all the clothes most being what was it Dark academia is what she called it. Those clothes where like my style but not as fancy they had a earthy feel to them and they where so soft. I can see why my love enjoys this style of clothing so much. Walking to the checkout line she pulled out her wallet from her purse to pay. I quickly looked at her surprised no women should ever treat a man it should be the other way around. Quickly I took her wallet stuffing it back into her purse as she stared at me confused.

"No women should ever pay for a man." I explained.

"And how to you plan on paying for this?" She hummed.

I smirked before summoning a couple shadows as they went around stealing from different customers. they all put the money in my pocket neatly and I pulled out the stacks of cash. Y/n gasped at the sight of the 100 dollar bills that lined my hand.

"Where did you get this." She stated staring at me with a knowing grin.

"I believe you already know Darling~" I purred.

She only laughed shaking her head as we moved to the cashier, placing the clothes on the table he rung up our price as we left bags of clothes in hand.

"Well darling anywhere else you wish to go or need to go to?" I asked glancing at her as she walked our hands intertwined.

"Nope-" She was quickly cut off when a loud girly squeal split threw the air making my ears ring.

Looking over there was a group of people around 25-30, they stared at us the men stared at Y/n a smirk gracing their face as I thought some here even drooling. I narrowed my eyes releasing my hand from hers wrapping it around her waist pulling her closer to me. We walked passed the group trying to get passed without being bothered but that failed when to females stood Infront of me their eyes shining and it seemed as though their pupils were hearts. I was used to this by now from my time living women would swoon over me but right now I was irritated only wanting to get home for promised cuddles. My lover's grip tightened on my dress shirt as I tied pushing passed the females not wanting to deal with them, but my footsteps frozen when I heard a slap and my love yelp. I turned to see one of the men had slapped her as I narrowed my eyes as she rubbed her butt because of the stinging pain.

"Hey sexy why don't ya come have some fun with us?" The male purred a smirk on his face.

My eyes widened in shock could this man really not see we where courting, this insolent and idiotic man. My blood was boiling I wanted to kill this man so I did just that. Snapping my fingers a crunch came from him as he coughed up blood. Falling to the ground his hand clutched his chest over his heart that I had crushed but made it seem like a heart attack. His friends ran off for help as I turned my love in my arms making our way to the car.

"Hun you did that didn't you?" She asked looking at me with a smile.

"Why of course darling I will not allow someone to touch what's mine I don't like sharing." I replied returning her smile before nuzzling my head into her head making her laugh.

We continued our way to the car putting away the bags as we made it to the car. I opened the door to the passenger seat and she stared at me confused.

"Um why ain't you getting in?" She quipped confused.

"Well I decided I should drive it's the least I can do." I explained as she gave me a smile getting into the passenger seat.

"Thank you." She said sitting down on the seat.

"Not a problem love." I replied closing the door and walking back over to the drivers seat.

I began driving to the house a genuine smile on my face as my love talked. Her voice was beautiful I heard her sing but I wish she would sing to me. The only times I ever heard it was when she took showers without me or if she didn't know I was there. Maybe I will use those 48 hours tomorrow I mean I haven't used them yet so this should be very entertaining. However right now I need to get us home so that I can put the clothes and food away. She did promise to give me my well deserved attention and affection. Pulling into the driveway I turned off the car rushing out of the car and over to the passenger side. Opening the door I held out my hand helping my love out of the car as she laughed. She walked over to the trunk going to grab some groceries but I stopped her.

"Hun we have to get these inside or else they'll go bad." She stated.

"I know but I have magic." I stated turning back into my demon form.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." She replied stepping back with a smile.

I looked at her confused but she went behind me to which I only shrugged snapping my fingers the groceries where now put away in the house so where the clothes. A sudden weight made my eyes widen as my head snapped backwards a sinister smile to see who dared to hop on my back. Looking into the widened eyes of my lover she gasp in shock.

"Woah that's cool how can you do that?" She asked awe struck.

I only laughed wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her up. She smiled wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. I closed the trunk supporting my love as I walked into the house.



Chapter 65 done and done. As always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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