chapter 84

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After that Al left because he had to go help out with the hotel.

Y/n's POV

Shifting in my seat I let out a audible groan of boredom I glared at the clock hands as they slowly ticked around the center of the clock. Al had been gone for half of the day now and I finished everything. The floor shined from being swept and mopped and the windows where spotless allowing you to see the crisp leaves now covering the ground and the leafless trees swaying slightly from the wind much more clearly. I left out a sigh standing up quickly before my vision became spotty and I fell back on the couch. I let out a grown as I sat for a few minutes before laughing to myself.

"Stood up to quickly I guess." I laughed. 

Standing up slowly I made my way to my office, it's been a while since I made a video probably a month at most. Sighing I began to grabbed the small portable camera so I could make some form of video. Racking my brain for idea I sighed putting on my coat and shoes. Slipping on a back pack I stuffed my wallet, mask, and camera into my small F/c backpack. Stepping outside the cool fall wind kissed my face as the door opened causing me to slink back into my coat more for warmth. Walking threw the woods I searched for ideas on what to make a video of and some way to cure my boredom. A I walked I heard the sounds of dogs barking and some yelling. I walked faster not liking the distressed sounds and thought best to ignore it. As I walked the sounds of dogs baking only got louder and louder until something wrapped around my leg. Looking down the dog ran past me only to tug me down as it stopped. I let out a groan as the sound of rushed footsteps ran towards me. I sat up on my elbows looking down seeing the leash of the dog rapped around my ankle. The dog stared at a small squirrel that ran up a tree barking loudly.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I heard someone pant from behind.

Standing up I unwrapped the leash from me as I looked at a man around my age bent over as he tried catching his breath.

"O-oh it's alright." I replied quickly.

"I really am sorry the dog saw that darn squirrel and took off there must be something I can do for you." He replied quickly.

"No really it's fine mister-" I was cut of before I could continue.

"I'm sorry my names jake." Jake exclaimed taking the leash from me.

"Jake it really is fine." I stated.

"At least let me buy you some tea or something." He begged.

"But- I- ok fine." I grumbled.

"Alright then let's be on our way how about it um what's your name?" Jake asked slightly nervous.

"Oh it's y/n" I replied as we began walking towards town.

We made our way into a small cafe the sweet smell of the coffee and tea causing my body to relax. He sat down in a booth as I took the spot across from him the dog hopped up beside me as Jake laughed.

"What's his name?" I asked suddenly.

"Do what?" Jake replied slightly confused.

"The dog what's his name?" I repeated.

"Oh that's bandit he's really cool to have around do you have any pets?" He asked rubbing bandits ears.

"Oh no are the fun to have?" I quipped confused to why pets would be fun.

"Oh yeah their fun their awesome always there for you when you emotionally unstable especially since this dang pandemic." He groaned before his eyes lit up with joy, "why don't you get a pet I bet you'd love it. I know the perfect pet store."

"Oh alright hey is it okay if I film you I do YouTube and twitch for a living?" I asked hopefully.

"Oh yeah no problem." He stated putting down his menu after finding out what he was going to get.

Ordering our drinks I began to film bits and pieces we finished and we went to the pet store. Everything from huge Saint Bernards to tiny gold fish was there. I looked at all the animals they where all so cute but I could only take one.  Looking around I saw a beautiful tabby cat and right beside it was a calico cat. I let out a hum before turning to Jake who was speaking to the register worker.

" I'm sir I'd like those two cats please." I stated pointing to the small kennel that kept them.

The register worker only nodded as he grabbed the two pets handing them to me. Soon I bought the two kittens and me and Jake parted way both saying our good byes as we made our way home. Making my way threw the woods back to my home the kittens meowed in the portable kennels as I carried them. I let out a sigh placing them down before rubbing my arms from them growing numb from the weight. Picking up the two kennels I began my way home again. Soon enough the outlying of my small home was within view making my footsteps pick up. I walked up the small flight of steps on the poach to get to the front door grabbing my keys I opened the door setting down the kennels and closing the door behind me. I let out a released sigh only for loud meowing to come from both kennels. Leaning my back against the door I slid down onto my but sighing intensely. I got a new video that I have to edit before I can post it which will not be fun. A loud tapping of footsteps came towards me making me look up to see my very confused lover standing in front of me glaring at the two kennels. His eyes darted at me as he tilted his head making his ears flop cutely.

"What are those?" Al asked confused.



Chapter 84 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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