Chapter 56

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So the image above is just something I made to thank you all for 2k readers.


"I win darling~" He purred happily.

Y/n's pov

"Yeah whatever you had the advantage." I grumbled puffing out my cheeks.

He only laughed pooking my cheek making me swatt his hand away gaining more annoyed.

"I would have won if I was actually trying." I groaned as we walked up the steps.

"Is that so?" Al asked from behind me.

"Damn right it is." I stated cockily.

"Alright then darling how about next round we make it realistic and not some game, I mean it is the tie breaker." He quipped.

"Yeah and I'll be the one to win." I replied turning towards him when we were out of the celler.

"Darling I wouldn't say that." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes walking up to him wrapping my arms around one of his, I leaned up placing a kiss on his cheek making him blush heavily. I laughed at the flustered deer, it was hillarious how easy I could make him flustered.

"Onto the next round!" I yelled happily.

"Ah yes the round that I will win our little bet." Al explained.

"Ha, you wish I'll win and I will be taking thoes tail pets with me." I competitivley answered.

We stared at each other before Al snaped his fingers and we appeard in a small park surrounded by woods. I smilled happily at the enviorment, turning to Al I saw he had summoned a shotgun. MY eyes widened in surprise as I took a couple step backs my hands up.

"Nope, no way you are not using that!" I yelled pointing at the shotgun.

"Why not darling?" Al asked genuinley confused.

"Because you're likely to scare the living shit out of me with it." I grumbled.

"Now darling I remeber you agreeing to making this round as real as possible." He stated matter of factly.

"Shit." I muttered knowing that I had no say anymore, "Well then I geuss let the game begin, may the odds be ever in your favor." I stated in a proper voice quoting hunger games.

Al just looked at me confused making my eyes widen in realization. This strawberry milkshake has never seen hunger games.


"Hunger games?" He questioned.

"Yeah one of the greatest book and movie series ever!" I yelled a bit quieter.

"I haven't darling." He answered shrugging slightly.

"As soon as we get home we are watching the hunger games." I grumbled.

He hummed in responce before closing his eyes telling me he has begun counting, I quickly ran off. Looking at the sky the sun was setting meaning it would be hard to see in about a half hour or so, sighing I began to look for a hiding spot. Looking around there was nothing absoulutly nothing, I ground in frustration as I continued moving changing my direction every now and than to confuse him. I looked at my phone to see I only had about 30 seconds to hide, I sqeuaked rushing up a tree with a fair amount of leaves that I could hide in. Just as I ducked away I heard his voice ring threw the woods but it wasn't the fun joking one it was more predatory making a shiver go down my spine.

"My Love!~" He yelled letting me know the games begun.

I stayed there for a good hour until I heard footsteps, staying still I saw his figure approach only to turn and go a direction I went earlier. I let out a sigh as the footsteps dissapeard in the oppisite direction. Sitting in the tree I stayed deathly silent the sun was now down allowing the only source of light to be the moon and stars. I would love to go star gazing here just once, but I don't even know where here is. About 30 minutes passed and I heard Al's footsteps once more, he approached me walking under the tree when something a good distance away from us snapped sounding like a twig. I smiled silently thanking the animal as Al began moving again. Looking around agian I wondered how long it would take him to realize it wasn't mean and was actually some type of animal. I wanted to get a better look of the forest so I decided to go higher up in the tree. Grabbing hold of branches as I made my way up I looked around sighing happily. I could just barley make out a figure a good distance away from me in the dim light, the figure was walking away so I deemed it as Al looking for "me" or the animal that made the noise. Shrinking back down the tree I watched and listened quietly waiting for his return. After about 30 minutes when he didn't appear agian I looked around at the top of the tree. Looking around I saw nothing, no figures nothing. I didn't like not knowing where he was it always made me nervous, but I learnt from last time I will not move from my hiding spot.

"where are you?" I asked myself.

As if on comand I heard light footsteps walking around, I smiled widly looking down only to see a deer. I groaned in anoyance leaning back only to have a loud gunshot ring through my ears, looking from where it came from I saw Al in a tree right by mine. I held my breath as I looked down at the now dead deer, looking back up he was still there but he was looking around on the ground for me. I stayed deethly silent as any slightest sound would give away my position. We stayed like that for a solid 10 minutes me staring at him threw the leaves as he looked for me. He went to go hop of the tree and begin his seerch on the ground.

"Thank all holy thi-" I couldn't finish my thought because my phone loudly buzzed.



Chapter 56 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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