Chapter 54

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"Hey that's not fair!" I yelled.

Al's pov

Unfair! how was that unfair if anything this would have been even more enjoyment for me, but I geuss I can make a exception for her.

"How so?" I asked tilting my head confused.

"You're a demon and I'm not in my form so you have a advantage of your powers." she pouted.

"Would you fell better if I was in my human form and didn't use my powers?" I asked.

"Yeah." She stated but I wasn't fully convinced.

"How about I have to catch you to win not just see you like cat and mouse?" I asked to which her eyes lite up to.

"Oh yeah ok that's a great idea." She stated happily smiling.

God I love her smile it melts my heart every time, I smiled softly before snapping my fingers. We appeared in the forest my her house but still deep into it. Snapping my fingers I turned into my human form smiling as Y/n blushed at my figure, I placed a kiss on her head before stepping back.

"Alright darling you have 10 minutes." I explained closing my eyes.

I began counting down as I heard the soft crunch of leaves as she ran away, I was quite glad for this because I knew if it weren't for the leaves I would have no idea which direction she went. However I knew my love to well she wouldn't stay straight long she would walk in different areas to throw me off. Soon enough her footsteps completely disappeared, as I hit 10 mins the forest was deathly quite making me smile. I mean I was element this is pure entertainment, I know I'll win so let the game begin.

"DARLING~" I sung out to let her know times up

Y/n's pov

"DARLING~" Al yelled in a sing song voice making me tense in my hiding spot.

I was hid a good distance away from him in a hallow tree that had two exits incase he found me. One at the top and one at the bottom, I knew it would take him a while to find me because I went in a complete opposite direction than when I started. However I made it to where it looked like I turned heading another way. It was his mistake giving me so much time since I'm experienced because of years of hiding from Yekun. My thoughts where cut short when I heard a tree twig snap about a couple feet away from my hiding spot. I held in a gasp surprised at how quickly he caught on to my tricks but it was to be expected as he is in his element also. His footsteps stopped by the tree and he bent down to look in my hiding spot. I held my breath raising up slightly so he wouldn't see me unless he crawled in with me which would give me enough time to slip out threw the top exit. My heart pounded and I was thankful for him not using his demonic abilities because he would of surly heard me. I saw his shadow move slightly as his footsteps faded as he walked away, I let out a relived sigh relaxing closing my eyes. However that relief was soon taken when I heard a snap again but this time it was from... Above? My eyes snapped open and I met his red-ish brown human eyes, my eyes widened as he chuckled.

"Found you darling~" He purred gleefully.

"Still have to catch me though." With that I stuck out my tongue and scrambled out of the hiding spot.

Running away I didn't hear any footsteps following me so I looked back and that was a grave mistake. Looking back I saw Al approaching me slowly almost as if he had all the time in the world while in reality he only had about 20 minutes and I really needed to think of something. Upon seeing that my heart sank but since I wasn't looking forward I tripped on a stump tumbling down into a small ditch.

Al's pov (I'm sorry I'm switching up the Povs so much)

Y/n tripped and went stumbling down a small ditch and let out a pained yell, my heart immediately tightened as I ran to her faster. She lied in the ditch and seemed in pain, sliding down the ditch I saw she had tears in her eyes. Looking at her she had scrapped up her knee and a few scrapes on her arms. I summoned a med kit kneeling down not caring about the bet, I turned to grab some alcohol and bandages. Turning back around to her she was gone, my eyes widened at how easily she tricked me into believing she was hurt badly. I mean the ditch wasn't large and the scraps where minor but she knew I would flip even if I saw a tiny cut on her. Letting out a laugh I snapped my fingers making the med kit disappear.

"You sly minx." I laughed out.

I walked around the forest looking for her I knew my time was running short but I had to find her. Glancing at my watch I saw I had about 5 minutes left to find her making my eyes widen and steps quicken. I heard a snap from behind me making me spin quickly on my heals only to see nothing, my thoughts rambled as I thought it was just a animal. Continuing walking I heard the soft crunch of leaves behind me making me turn only to see (H/c) hair duck behind a tree. My eyes widened as I realized she was following me this hole time, walking over to the tree I looked behind it seeing nothing. My eyes widened wondering how she got away turning around agian I continued to search in the area. This women could become the predator right now if this was a actual game of hunter and prey. However this was the deal and it's hard to believe she's never played it before, as I searched I looked at my watch only to see I was out of time. She had won the first game out of three making me chuckle. Soon I heard a tree branch snap and fall in front of me looking up I saw my love in a tree smirking at me before hoping down.

"I win!" She yelled placing a kiss on my lips.



Chapter 54 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops

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