Chapter 67

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"Then why, why did he do it?" She whimpered quietly.

Al's pov

I lifted her up as I stood sitting back down rubbing soothing circles on her back, she shook lightly. I couldn't answer her I had no answer for her. I rocked her lightly before I looked up to the TV which had the movie still playing I smiled having a idea.

"Darling what if we chose each others costumes for the party, doesn't that sound nice?" I hummed.

She lifted her head smiling slightly as her teary E/c eyes stared into mine.

"Really?" She asked a bit of hesitance in her tone.

"Of course." I replied my smile genuine.

Her smile turned mischievous as I summoned a handkerchief whipping up the tears and snot from her face. I raised a brow before my ears lowered realizing I just sealed my fate of embarrassment, My smile wobbled nervously as I stared at her mentally pleading.

"Can I take back what I said?" I asked knowing it was hopeless.

"Nope~" She sung giggling happily.

"Oh no, what are you planning darling?" I asked slightly nervous.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." She giggled happily.

"When is this party anyways?" I asked.

"Well it's on Halloween so..." She paused grabbing her phone as her eyes widened, "It's two days away."

"Well I believe I should use my 48 hours tomorrow then hm?" I chuckled as she stared at me in disbelief.

"You wouldn't dare." She exclaimed wide eyed.

"Oh I would dare and I have the cutest out fit for you to wear~" I purred teasingly.

"No." She said as she looked me in the eyes.

"Oh no backing out now a deals a deal." I exclaimed, "Now let's continue our movie shall we."

She muttered a few curses under her breath unhappy making me laugh. We continued watching the movie as we cuddled together on the couch. We finished or I finished all the movies while Y/n had fallen asleep in my arms soft snoring cold be heard from her as she pressed more into my neck. I sighed pulling her close to me as I kissed her head she was beautiful and mine. Standing up I waved my hand making the fireplace go out and the TV turn off. Walking up the steps I made it to her room I laid her in bed sighing happily as I change into some pajama pants and crawled into bed next to her. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me as she nuzzled into my chest, I laid there for a few minutes before I let sleep overtake me.

Y/n's pov

"Love wakey, wakey~" I heard Al coo waking me up from my nice slumber.

"No, I don't wanna." I groaned pulling up the blankets over my head.

"Darling I belive you've forgotten our little bet I'm using those 48 hours now." He cooed as I let out a groan.

"No, I don't care about the bet it will not stop me from sleeping." I muttered.

"Love I'm going to go downstairs to make some breakfast and bring it back up here, and if your not up and out of the shower ready for the day then I will have no choice to punish you." He explained before walking away.

I pulled the covers away from my head rolling my eyes and sticking my tongue out at where the door was before flopping on my side to sleep some more. I closed my eyes and after a couple minutes I felt myself drift off to sleep, but as soon as I felt myself drift off the sound of shoes coming closer to the door woke me up slightly.

"Darlin~ I hope your ready when I come threw this door." Al sung as he opened the door.

I quickly pretended to be asleep trying to even out my breathing and relaxed my muscles to where it could convince anyone I was sleeping.

"Already asleep hm?" I heard Al whisper.

He began humming as a clink of a tray was heard as I guessed it was a plate of food he had brought up. I heard the tapping of shoes walk away and a door open and close making me sigh in relief.

"Ha, I knew you where bluffing." I whispered turning to the food, "Oh my favor-"

I was cut off when I was lifted up into the arms of someone, I squeaked in surprise when I heard a radio like chuckle from behind me. My eyes widened as I tried to grab something close to me before he could drag me off.

"I don't believe I'm bluffing darling~" He cooed into my ear.

"No, no, no put me down Al." I groaned as he pulled me over to the bathroom.

"ha no." He laughed setting me in the bath tub as I realized what was gong to happen.

"Al no." I growled.

"Al yes." He replied turning on the cold water.

"ALASTOR, what the h-hell!" I cried a the could water hit my clothed body.

"Punishment darling." He replied as he turned walking out of the bathroom.

"A-Alastor it's f-freezing!" I yelled trying to turn on the heat.

"I wouldn't try the hot water I turned it off before I came up here, I suggest taking a quick shower!" He laughed in the other room.


I turned off the water dripping wet as I stepped out fully clothed I went to grab a towel only to see none, the bitch had taken all the towels too. My eye twitched as I tried to exit the bathroom only to find a red aura around in meaning Al locked it. I was shaking in the cold clothing as I looked around for something to dry off with or warm myself up with. Looking around I saw a 1930s outfit folded neatly on the sink counter. I rushed over to it pulling off my wet clothes as they stuck to my body, the cold was almost unbearable as I pulled on the new set of clothes. Even if the new set was dry it was still freezing. I shivered as I felt a breeze pass through the small room, I walked over to the door glaring at the handle as the red aura disappeared. I opened the door to see Al with a smirk on his face I glared at him before looking away paying no mind to him as I walked over to the tray.



Chapter 67 done and done. As always stay safe and stay tune my water drops. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY MY LOVES!!!!

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