Chapter 44

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I snapped my finger making the body and heart disappear for my dinner later, I began quickly making my way to the house which wasn't to far but I was still a good ways off.

Y/n's pov

I sat on the couch with Al's shadow who was desperately trying to comfort me but I was so scattered in my thoughts his efforts where useless. I sat curled in a bawl shaking and crying as I thought of the events prior I tore at my skin trying to get the man's touch off me even though he wasn't even touching me. I was so useless I couldn't do anything if Al hadn't of been there I would have been done for, I hugged myself tighter crying and shaking. Al walked threw the door but I paid no mind muttering how useless I was glaring at the floor with a blurry vision. I felt arms wrap around me making me tense and squirm trying to get out of the grasp I was scared out of my wits.

"Shh, it's fine darling I'm here your safe." Al cooed rubbing my sides.

I relaxed into his touch occasional hiccups from my sobbing, his hands cupped y face wiping off my tears as I calmed down. We sat there for a good hour or so in silence enjoying each others company, I shifted slightly curling into his lap as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"How about we finish our date, hm" He hummed thoughtfully.

"W-What will we do?" I asked my voice cracking slightly.

"How about we watch Twilight?" He replied making me sit up straight smiling.

"YES!" I squealed happily as my mood shifted.

He chuckled as I stood up whipping the mascara that ran down my face away. I rushed over to the movies I owned grabbing Twilight, I paused looking at all the movies before turning to Al with a smirk.

"The whole series?" A hopeful gleam to my eyes.

"As you wish dear." He sighed shaking his head laughing slightly.

I giggled grabbing the movies turning on the DVD player and Tv, I put the movie in taking the remote and skipping back to Al. I stood in front of him doing grabby hands like a child to which he laughed at, he quickly grabbed me pulling me into his lap and nuzzled his head into the side of my face making me laugh. He snapped his fingers making us change into some more comfy clothes and a blanket covered us. He summoned us some popcorn placing it in my lap, I began eating the movie and the lights suddenly turned off as the movie started. I jumped startled at the sudden darkness but soon relaxed as Al ran his finger threw my hair. We stayed curled on the couch as we watched the movies, after about the third movie I let out a soft yawn. He chuckled pulling my closer allowing his heart beak and even breathing to lull me to sleep.

Al's pov

Y/n had fallen asleep in my arms as we watched the movies, I sighed cradling her as I stood up making her shift in her sleep. I looked down stilling as to not wake her, when I was sure she wouldn't wake up I snapped my finger cleaning up our small movie night and turning off the Tv leaving only my glowing eyes and the moon so I could make my way to her room. Opening her bedroom door I pulled back the covers laying her down before pulling the blankets back up and kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight love." I whispered standing up straight.

I was planning on going to her small office to do some work for the hotel I really needed to get it done but she seemed to have other plans. Her hand weakly grabbed my night shirt making me freeze I turned to my half asleep lover smiling softly.

"Stay please." She tugged me towards her sleepily making my heart melt.

"Love I need to finish this note for charlie I'll be right back." I replied sadly not wanting to leave her but I had to.

She sighed angrily turning to her side curling into a bawl and pulled up the covers, I felt my heart cry to comfort her so I did.

"My doe don't be like that I'll be right back Charlie asked me to." I replied trying my best to sooth her.

"Yeah whatever you have fun don't worry bout me while your at it just go fuck Charlie while your at it." She muttered angrily but sounded hurt.

My eyes widened at what she said before I felt angered and saddened by what she said. Letting out a quite low growl I pounced on the bed pinning her beneath me, her eyes widened in surprise as she was now fully awake.

"I'm sorry my love I don't believe I heard you correct." I laughed my voice had a stern tone to it though.

"I said go fuck charlie while your at it." She growled back, "Sure you'd like to." she replied the rest sadly looking away from me.

"I believe you've forgotten my love." I growled gripping her chin to look at me.

"What could I have forgotten Al?" She groaned tears in her eyes.

"You own my heart, no one else will ever have control over me like you do." I growled as she stared at me, "You ask for me I'll be there, you want the world I will have it, you ask anything of me I will do it even if I die!" I cried.

I was hurt and angry that she could even think that did she really think I didn't love her as much as I really do. I looked at Y/n her eyes were wide and she opened her mouth to say something but closed it deciding not to say anything. I pressed a emotional kiss on her lips which she melted into immediately, rubbing away the tears on her face as I pulled away she smiled at me making my anger and sadness melt immediately.

"I love you." I purred rubbing my nose against hers.

"I love you too, I'm sorry for getting mad you can go do what you need to." She apologized.

"Thank you darling I'll be back." I placed a soft kiss on her head before standing up and stepping out of the room.

I left the door cracked if she needed me or if anything happened I could here her walking into her office I turned on the light summoning the paperwork and started working.



Chapter 44 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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