Chapter 62

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He stayed in my lap the remaning of the day as I stayed still and soon he dozed off to sleep.

Y/n's pov

I sat on the couch with Al's deer form sleeping soundly as I continued to pet him. I let out small laughs when he would let out quite happy bleats when I scratched his antlers or ears. Pulling out my phone it buzzed with a text I opened it to see it was from Anna.

Anna: hey did ya here about the party we are having for Halloween?

Y/n: really y'all planning a party without me! I'm offended.

Anna: At least I'm telling you.

Y/n: No I didn't here where will the party be.

Anna: that's just it we were wondering if we could have it at you house we were going to head down there next month as a surprise visit when Alex had a idea to throw a party.

Y/n: next month! Who all's coming?

Anna: just me, Alex, and max.

Y/n: alright I guess I'll see you in a month.

Anna: bye n/n.

Y/n: bye Anna.

I sighed putting down my phone in my pocket, my legs where tingling from Al's weight on them but I knew he wouldn't wake up even if I dumped a cold bucket of water on him. I tried standing up holding him only to stumble around trying to balance. Staggering up the stairs like a drunk person I held Al close making sure he was comfortable. Making it into my room I laid my sleeping buck on the bed. He curled into a bawl blowing angry at the lack of my presence. I smiled crawling into bed, Al must of felt the bed shift because he scrambled quickly over to me. His deer form curled on my back as his head rested on my neck. I laughed at his clingy self sometimes I wonder how he could be held notorious radio demon. All I see him as is a clingy and love sick fool, but I can't say anything I'm the same way about him. Pulling out my phone once more I began watching random videos on TikTok and YouTube. I sighed scrolling threw TikTok when a interesting video popped up, it was the most popular dances in the 1920-1930. I saved it deciding I would learn some dances then show them to Al as a surprise. As I continued scrolling I came across some electric swing and really enjoyed it. I began listening to a playlist of it quietly and Al seemed to be enjoying it to. His tail would flick to the beat and his ears would wack my head when I changed a song before it ended. It amazed me how he was still asleep he's been asleep for about 2 hours and it's almost lunch and I still haven't had a shower. I really need to do something other than lay in bed. However I don't want to wake him, he's sleeping so peacefully. After I had a small war with my thoughts I decided a compromise, I wouldn't wake him up but if he woke up it would be on me. Lifting up his head he whined in protest not wanting me to leave. I laughed placing a kiss on his snout making him sigh happily. Putting a couple pillows where I was laying so it seemed I was still there I laid his head back down. I grabbed some clothes and a towel walking to my bathroom. Stepping inside I closed the door but stopped when I saw a small black hoof in the door. I opened it back up only to see my buck sat there his ears down and sad eyes. My heart hurt at this so much but I had to go to the store to get food. I opened my arms and he walked up to me placing his head on my shoulder as I ran my fingers threw his fur.

"And what is my poor buck sad about?" I cooed.

He snorted grabbing my sleeve with his mouth and tugged me towards the bed, I laughed at his cuteness but I had to get ready.

"Oh no you don't I have things I need to get done like going to the store, so unless you use those 48 hours I ain't laying down." I explained pulling away.

I turned on the water to go shower, taking off my clothes I gasped when I felt clawed hands on my hips. I geuss when I was turned around he shifted back into his normal form.

"Please darling?" He pleaded into my ear.

"Alastor no." I replied as I stared into his eyes.

His ears dropped as he turned walking away sadly my heart clenched and I opened my mouth to say something but decided not to. Stepping into the shower I kept thinking about how I could make him happier with this dilemma. Finally putting on my clothes I saw Al curled up on the bed like a sad child the covers pulled above his chin so you could only see his eyes. Upon seeing me he narrowed his eyes turning to his side so his back faced me. I sighed walking over to my bed sitting down on it, I placed a hand on his shoulder to which he shrugged it of but quickly whined regretting it. Sometimes I wonder if he's actually a guy I mean he acts like he's on a period with his mood swings.

"Hun, how about a compromise?" I asked to which his ears perked up immediately.

I smiled happy to see him not as sad I sat with my hands in my lap before continuing.

"If you let me get the things I need in town then as soon as we get back home we can cuddle all you want, how's that sound." I asked.

He immediately stood up his smile wide, snaping his fingers he changed into his human form. I smilled standing up slowly dusting off my pants, he rushed down the stairs and I followed slowly. while running down the stairs he faceplanted on the ground but quickly stood up giving me a cute dorky smile making me laugh at his cuteness and eagerness.



Chapter 62 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops. Also please tell me if y'all like the new cover or no.

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